Cuesta Sáez, Blas Antonio; Robles Martínez, Antonio; Duato Marín, José Francisco(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2011-10)
[EN] Token Coherence is a cache coherence protocol that simultaneously captures the best attributes of the traditional
approximations to coherence: direct communication between processors (like snooping-based protocols) ...
Cuesta Sáez, Blas Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-07-17)
Cache coherence protocols based on tokens can provide low latency without relying on non-scalable interconnects thanks to the use of efficient requests that are unordered. However, when these unordered requests contend for ...
Token Coherence is a cache coherence protocol able to simultaneously capture the best attributes of traditional protocols: low latency and scalability. However it may lose these desired features when (1) several nodes ...