Espigares Rooney, Blanca(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-05-15)
[EN] Architectural drawing has always been used as a tool of expression as well as for study and exploration. The aim of this research work is to find an approach to chart chorographies of the historic urban landscape of ...
Juan Vidal, Francisco(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012-06-30)
[EN] Kept in the Simancas General Archive is an original manuscript drawing, which is anonymous and of uncertain age. It portrays a general, long distance view of the island of Tabarka (MPD, XIV-15, belonging to the State ...
Álvarez Gutiérrez, Álvaro J.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-03)
[EN] This article presents a graphic reconstitution of 16th century Segovia based on the panoramic landscapes of the Flemish chorographer, Anton van der Wyngaerde. To achieve this, we analyze the method, resources and ...
Rodríguez Méndez, Francisco Javier; García Gago, Jesús María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-06-30)
[ES] El cartógrafo flamenco Anton Van den Wyngaerde dibujó por encargo de Felipe II un inventario de vistas de las principales ciudades españolas. Wyngaerde recorrió la geografía peninsular en tres viajes comprendidos ...