Stirpe Vera, Karla Carolina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-11-15)
[ES] Alimentos F&E, es la filial valenciana de un grupo multinacional familiar francés, que se dedica a la transformación de cuatro fuentes renovables, en materias primas esenciales para la industria agroalimentaria, ...
Bido Segura, Omar Alfonso(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-09-07)
This thesis analyzes and evaluates the performance of the supply system of the company Vinos, S.A, a company dedicated to the distribution of wines and spirits in the Dominican Republic. The first chapter describes the ...
Ripoll Solves, Antonio José(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-10-16)
After analyse the bussiness model of a logistic operator and the requirements of the customer, who is dedicated to manufacture and distribution of footwear and accesories, different alternatives of warehouse design will ...