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Real Time Flow Forecasting in a Mountain River Catchment Using Conceptual Models with Simple Error Correction Scheme

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Real Time Flow Forecasting in a Mountain River Catchment Using Conceptual Models with Simple Error Correction Scheme

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Montes, N.; Aranda Domingo, JÁ.; García-Bartual, R. (2020). Real Time Flow Forecasting in a Mountain River Catchment Using Conceptual Models with Simple Error Correction Scheme. Water. 12(5):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12051484

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Título: Real Time Flow Forecasting in a Mountain River Catchment Using Conceptual Models with Simple Error Correction Scheme
Autor: Montes, Nicolás Aranda Domingo, José Ángel García-Bartual, Rafael
Entidad UPV: Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Ingeniería Gráfica - Departament d'Enginyeria Gràfica
Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Medio Ambiente - Departament d'Enginyeria Hidràulica i Medi Ambient
Fecha difusión:
[EN] Methods in operational hydrology for real-time flash-flood forecasting need to be simple enough to match requirements of real-time system management. For this reason, hydrologic routing methods are widely used in river ...[+]
Palabras clave: Flash-flood forecasting , Error correction scheme , River engineering , Real-time systems management
Derechos de uso: Reconocimiento (by)
Water. (issn: 2073-4441 )
DOI: 10.3390/w12051484
Versión del editor: https://doi.org/10.3390/w12051484
The authors wish to acknowledge support from Confederacion Hidrografica del Ebro.
Tipo: Artículo


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