Monitoring temperatures in structures during fires provides valuable information to 1) the firemen engaged in extinguishing it, 2) those who assess its security, and 3) the organizations who have to decide on its possible ...
Bueno Martínez, Antonio; Torres Górriz, Benjamín; Barrera Vilar, David; Calderón García, Pedro Antonio; Lloris, J.; López, M.; Sales Maicas, Salvador(Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2011)
We present the results of a real fire test using optical fiber sensors embedded in concrete samples. The temperature curve used in this experiment is described in the Spanish/European standard UNE-EN 1363-1 temperature ...
Ulloa-Mayorga, Vivian A.; Uribe-Garcés, Manuel A.; Paz-Gómez, Diego P.; Alvarado, Yezid A.; Torres Górriz, Benjamín; Gasch, Isabel(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2018)
[EN] This study evaluates the influence of incorporating two different types of recycled aggregates (RA) from construction and demolition waste (CDW), brick ceramic aggregate (RA1) and crushed concrete aggregate (RA2), ...
Gasch, Isabel; Alvarado Vargas, Yezid Alexander; Calderón García, Pedro Antonio; Torres Górriz, Benjamín(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), 2013-04)
En el presente artículo se presentan los resultados de la instrumentación llevada a cabo durante la construcción de un edificio de viviendas resuelto con forjados reticulares de casetón perdido situado en Sabadell (España), ...