Willemsen, Anouk; Zwart, Mark Peter; Ambros Palaguerri, Silvia; Carrasco Jiménez, José Luis; Elena Fito, Santiago Fco(Oxford University Press, 2017)
[EN] Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is pervasive in viruses and thought to be a key mechanism in their evolution. On the other hand, strong selective constraints against increasing genome size are an impediment for HGT, ...
Janzac, B; Wilemsem, A.; Cuevas, Jose M.; Glais, L; Tribodet, M; Verrier, JL; Elena Fito, Santiago Fco; Jacquot, E.(Wiley, 2015-08)
[EN] Potato virus Y (PVY) is a plant virus distributed worldwide that causes damage to several species of the Solanaceae family. It was established long ago that groups of PVY isolates defined by phylogenetic analyses ...
Davino, Salvatore; Willemsen, Anouk; Panno. Stefano; Davino, Mario; Catara, Antonino; Elena Fito, Santiago Fco; Rubio, Luis(Public Library of Science, 2013-06)
[EN] Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) outbreaks were detected in Sicily island, Italy for the first time in 2002. To gain insight into the evolutionary forces driving the emergence and phylogeography of these CTV populations, ...
Zwart, Mark Peter; Willemsen, Anouk; Daros Arnau, Jose Antonio; Elena Fito, Santiago Fco(Oxford University Press (OUP): Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2014-01)
[EN] Viruses have evolved highly streamlined genomes and a variety of mechanisms to compress them, suggesting that genome size is under strong selection. Horizontal gene transfer has, on the other hand, played an important ...
Willemsen, A.; Carrasco Jiménez, José Luis; Elena Fito, Santiago Fco.; Zwart, Mark Peter(Nature Publishing Group, 2018)
[EN] Horizontal gene transfer is common among viruses, while they also have highly compact genomes and tend to lose artificial genomic insertions rapidly. Understanding the stability of genomic insertions in viral genomes ...
Willemsen, Anouk; Zwart, Mark Peter; Higueras, Pablo; Sardanyes Cayuela, Jose; Elena Fito, Santiago Fco(Oxford University Press (OUP), 2016-09)
One of the striking features of many eukaryotes is the apparent amount of redundancy in coding and non-coding elements of their genomes. Despite the possible evolutionary advantages, there are fewer examples of redundant ...
Majer, Eszter; Salvador, Zaira; Zwart, Mark Peter; Willemsen, Anouk; Elena Fito, Santiago Fco; Daros Arnau, Jose Antonio(American Society for Microbiology, 2014-04)
[EN] Potyviruses express most of their proteins from a long open reading frame that is translated into a large polyprotein processed by three viral proteases. To understand the constraints on potyvirus genome organization, ...
Tromas, Nicolas; Zwart, Mark Peter; Forment Millet, José Javier; Elena Fito, Santiago Fco(Oxford University Press, 2014)
[EN] Nonretroviral integrated RNA viruses (NIRVs) are genes of nonretroviral RNA viruses found in the genomes of many eukaryotic organisms. NIRVs are thought to sometimes confer virus resistance, meaning that they could ...