Capó-Vicedo, Josep(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2011-04)
[EN] In this piece, two very concrete aspects of the theories that deal with territorial agglomerations of companies (or clusters) are analyzed. These are, on the one hand, the factors that cause the development of such ...
Hervás Oliver, Jose Luis; García, Juan Antonio; García-Chamizo, Fernando; Rojas-Alvarado, Ronald(Emerald, 2024-08)
[EN] Purpose-The purpose of this study is to explore and conducts a critical literature review to answer a fundamental question in the industrial district literature: are clusters and industrial (clusters/IDs) driving ...
López Estornell, Manuel; Tomas Miquel, Jose Vicente; Expósito Langa, Manuel(Universidades Públicas de Andalucia, 2014-09)
[ES] Habitualmente, los trabajos académicos que han estudiado el efecto distrito se han centrado en variables económico-financieras para estimar el valor añadido obtenido por las empresas ubicadas en distritos industriales. ...
Ortega-Colomer, Francisco Javier; Molina Morales, Francesc Xavier; Fernandez de Lucio, Ignacio(Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2016)
[EN] The significance and popularity of the cluster and industrial district concepts claim for a deeper reflection. The analysis of one of the European Commission¿s (EC) policy documents shows inconsistencies that do not ...
Industry 4.0 threatens established lock-in paradigms in some districts. In this study, we compare different innovation policies aimed at facilitating Industry 4.0 awareness and its adoption in three Marshallian ...
Hervás Oliver, Jose Luis; Boronat-Moll, Carles; Eizaguirre, Maria; Márquez García, Juan Antonio(Asociacion Espanola de Ciencia Regional, 2024)
[ES] Recientemente, los académicos han comenzado a mostrar una reorientación del marco del Distrito
Industrial Marshalliano (MDI) hacia el tratamiento de temas que no eran centrales para la corriente
principal, como las ...
Ortega Colomer, Francisco Javier; Golf Laville, Emilio Jesus(CSIC, 2012)
[EN] : In this article we analyse the shift that the textileclothing sector has recently suffered in the Valencian Central Counties from the role played by the institutions of the local innovation
system. This paper ...
Hervás Oliver, Jose Luis; Boix, Rafael(Emerald, 2022-11-15)
[EN] The notion of Industrial District (ID) was introduced by Alfred Marshall in the Principles of
Economics (1890) and reintroduced a hundred years later by Giacomo Becattini (1979) in the
main body of scientific literature. ...
Hervás Oliver, Jose Luis(Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, 2015)
[EN] This article focuses on understanding why multinational enterprises
co-locate in industrial districts, stressing, unfolding and describing the potential of
the local or regional-level agglomerations of people and ...
[EN] Purpose
This paper aims to understand the contribution of research and transfer institutes (RTIs) to digitising in traditional Marshallian industrial districts (IDs). This study answers how to digitise small and ...
Hervás Oliver, Jose Luis; Boronat-Moll, Carles; Sempere-Ripoll, Francisca; Dahoui Obon, José Mariano(Taylor & Francis, 2024-04-02)
[EN] We analyse whether regionally embedded or firm-level capabilities drive regional diversification in industrial districts, examining the relationship between relatedness and Marshallian agglomerations. We argue that ...
[EN] Radical innovation is under-researched in the geography of innovation. In this paper, the focus is on understanding how radical innovations occur in Marshallian industrial districts (MIDs), a phenomenon mostly overlooked. ...
[EN] What are the main mechanisms driving the process of industry clustering? There is a tension between two different perspectives as regards explaining entrepreneurship and spatial concentration: the roles played by ...
Hervás Oliver, Jose Luis; Sedita, Silvia Rita(Asociacion Espanola de Ciencia Regional, 2024)
[EN] The article analyzes the trajectory of industrial districts in recent decades, outlining the main lines of
research and their advances, as well as the key work of Dr. Fiorenza Belussi.
[EN] Positioned in the study of firm heterogeneity in industrial districts (IDs), this study analyses how mergers and acquisitions (M&A) differ between local and non-local acquirers, impacting district evolution. Focusing ...
[EN] This paper explains the effects originated by the massive entrance of foreign capital in the ceramic tile district of Castellon (Spain). Cross-fertilizing multinational acquisitions and industrial districts' literature, ...