Martínez Almira, Mª Magdalena(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] Consensus is an ancient jurisdictional exercise on the Iberian Peninsula. The peaceful
settlement (avenencia) or compromise between parties of Andalusian law had its corollary in the legal
history. On the basis of ...
[EN] Analyzing modernization of traditional irrigated areas in western Argentina. The Tulum Valley, in San
Juan, is one of the largest traditional irrigated areas in western Argentina. Of pre-hispanic origin in the
XII ...
[EN] La Geria of Lanzarote explains - to our knowledge - the agriculture as a smart way to working
the land. The geometry of "small volcanoes" built by hand, causes the rocks to protect from the perennial
Trade Winds the ...
Pérez Guinot, María Isabel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-04-05)
Este trabajo de investigación y especialización profesional surge a través de un convenio
establecido en 2014 entre la Conselleria de Infraestructuras, Territorio y Medio Ambiente
(CITMA) y la Universidad Politécnica de ...
[EN] The oases are the traditional agro-ecosystems in the Baja California Peninsula. They were the
cornerstones of its socio economic and cultural development until the second half of the twentieth century,
when regional ...
Lamadrid, Armando(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] Irrigation has been central to the development of societies throughout the history of the
Andes, in times of both social and environmental change. In the era of modern anthropogenic
climate change, however, narratives ...
[EN] The uses of water resources of the river Júcar have been a recurring element of conflict
throughout the history that, at some times, deepened. This is what happened between the late sixteenth
century and early ...
[EN] Changes in land use and water availability are impacting the integrity of traditional
irrigation systems and their associated communities worldwide. We designed a study to
quantify the components of resilience within ...
Pica Torné, Manel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] The territory of Benifassà was conquered in 1233, at the same time that Blasco de Alagón
conquered Morella. Then, it started a complex process of distribution of the territory in which
monarchs did donations to ...
[EN] Dynamics of the traditional irrigated lands in Castilla y León: the case of the Canal del Duero.
Despite not having the superficial relevance or having raised the interest -in terms of studies and assessments-
that ...
Guldan, Steven J.; Fernald, Alexander G.; Ochoa, Carlos G.(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] In New Mexico, USA, acequia-based agriculture is under threat as pressures rise to
transfer water and land out of agriculture. The amount and cash value of agricultural
production coming out of acequia-irrigated ...
Martín Cantarino, Carlos(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] In a well-known fragment of the Libro de la Caza (Book of the Hunt) by don Juan
Manuel (beginnings 14 c.) a reference is made to a canal (acequia) “ordered to be built by don
Manuel”. In our present communication, ...
[EN] The Barranco de los Molinos and Huertas Mayores of Ibi host one of the most
important hydraulic sets of the province of Alicante. Numerous archaeological site of all ages certify that
the place has been occupied by ...
Pérez Medina, Tomàs(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] Local government concerning watering in the Vinalopó river irrigated areas in the Modern Age. The
Valencian water regime established a scale of feudal property rights: the division of the water domain.
There was a ...
Martínez Sanmartín, Luis Pablo; Terol i Reig, Vicent(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] In comparison to the weight of orality in the recent past of the autonomous communities of
irrigators in the Huerta of Valencia, the archival evidence shows that writing had a strategic value for
irrigators during ...
Vercher Lleti, Salvador(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] In 1516 began the construction of the Corbera's Major canal. The origin of this irrigation
fluvial system is located in the "the hydraulic revolution" which transformed the region during the 15th
and 16th centuries. ...
Saura Gargallo, Javier(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] The agrarian landscape of Castellón de la Plana is predominantly an irrigated countryside. The
huerta of Castellon occupied three-fifths of the total cropped area at the end of the 15th century. The
Castellón’s ...
Pascual Elías, Lidia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-12-10)
[ES] El trabajo propone el análisis histórico, tipológico, constructivo, estructural y del estado de conservación de una serie de estructuras arqueadas construidas con el fin de salvar los
barrancos localizados en el ...
Gozalvo Llácer, José Francisco; Ávila Aguilera, Tirso José; Jordà Pla, Rafael; Máñez Rodero, Javier; Ciscar Juan, Salvador; Salas Trejo, Xavier(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] The historical irrigation system of Torrent --“Barranc de l'Horteta” and “Séquia de les Fonts”-
- has evolved as an independent hydraulic space. It is an ancient irrigation system, dating back from the
earliest ...
[EN] Traditional irrigation systems preserve important natural and cultural values, which deserve
protection and reconnaissance. In order to develop this heritage assessment the focus should be placed
on the concept of ...