Altundal, Ömer Faruk

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Effect of Intracrystalline Silanol Defects on the Diffusivity of Benzene in Silicalite Zeolite

2023-11, Misturini, Alechania, Altundal, Ömer Faruk, García Aznar, Pablo, Kariminasab, Sara, Sastre Navarro, German Ignacio, Instituto Universitario Mixto de Tecnología Química, Generalitat Valenciana, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

[EN] Intracrystalline zeolite silanol defect groups (& EQUIV;SiOH) were modelled in silicalite (silica ZSM-5, MFI) using experimental data. We make a molecular dynamics study on the self-diffusivity of benzene in silicalite with defects. The simulations at three different loadings (1, 3 and 5 benzene per unit cell) and temperatures (298, 348 and 398 K) allow to calculate self-diffusivity, adsorption energy and the activation energy. The results show that benzene self-diffusivity in silicalite is increased by the presence of silanol defects. Previous experimental results support this claim.