Rodríguez Egea, Pedro Luís
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- PublicationStructure-Based Modulation of the Ligand Sensitivity of a Tomato Dimeric Abscisic Acid Receptor Through a Glu to Asp Mutation in the Latch Loop(Frontiers Media SA, 2022-06-06) Infantes, Lourdes; Rivera-Moreno, Maria; Daniel-Mozo, Miguel; Benavente, Juan Luis; Ocaña-Cuesta, Javier; Coego, Alberto; Lozano Juste, Jorge; Rodríguez Egea, Pedro Luís; Albert, Armando; Instituto Universitario Mixto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas; Agencia Estatal de Investigación; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación[EN] The binding of the plant phytohormone Abscisic acid (ABA) to the family of ABA receptors (PYR/PYL/RCAR) triggers plant responses to abiotic stress. Thus, the implementation of genetic or chemical strategies to modulate PYR/PYL activity might be biotechnologically relevant. We have employed the available structural information on the PYR/PYL receptors to design SlPYL1, a tomato receptor, harboring a single point mutation that displays enhanced ABA dependent and independent activity. Interestingly, crystallographic studies show that this mutation is not directly involved in ABA recognition or in the downstream phosphatase (PP2C) inhibitory interaction, rather, molecular dynamic based ensemble refinement restrained by crystallographic data indicates that it enhances the conformational variability required for receptor activation and it is involved in the stabilization of an active form of the receptor. Moreover, structural studies on this receptor have led to the identification of niacin as an ABA antagonist molecule in vivo. We have found that niacin blocks the ABA binding site by mimicking ABA receptor interactions, and the niacin interaction inhibits the biochemical activity of the receptor.
- PublicationThe Role of ABA in Plant Immunity is Mediated through the PYR1 Receptor(MDPI AG, 2020-08) García-Andrade, Javier; González, Beatriz; Gonzalez-Guzman, Miguel; Rodríguez Egea, Pedro Luís; Vera Vera, Pablo; Instituto Universitario Mixto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas; Agencia Estatal de Investigación[EN] ABA is involved in plant responses to a broad range of pathogens and exhibits complex antagonistic and synergistic relationships with salicylic acid (SA) and ethylene (ET) signaling pathways, respectively. However, the specific receptor of ABA that triggers the positive and negative responses of ABA during immune responses remains unknown. Through a reverse genetic analysis, we identified that PYR1, a member of the family of PYR/PYL/RCAR ABA receptors, is transcriptionally upregulated and specifically perceives ABA during biotic stress, initiating downstream signaling mediated by ABA-activated SnRK2 protein kinases. This exerts a damping effect on SA-mediated signaling, required for resistance to biotrophic pathogens, and simultaneously a positive control over the resistance to necrotrophic pathogens controlled by ET. We demonstrated that PYR1-mediated signaling exerted control on a priori established hormonal cross-talk between SA and ET, thereby redirecting defense outputs. Defects in ABA/PYR1 signaling activated SA biosynthesis and sensitized plants for immune priming by poising SA-responsive genes for enhanced expression. As a trade-off effect,pyr1-mediated activation of the SA pathway blunted ET perception, which is pivotal for the activation of resistance towards fungal necrotrophs. The specific perception of ABA by PYR1 represented a regulatory node, modulating different outcomes in disease resistance.
- PublicationPYL8 ABA receptors of Phoenix dactylifera play a crucial role in response to abiotic stress and are stabilized by ABA.(Oxford University Press, 2021-02-02) García-Maquilón, Irene; Coego, Alberto; Lozano Juste, Jorge; Messerer, Maxim; de Ollas, Carlos; Julian, Jose; Ruiz Partida, Rafael; Pizzio, Gaston; Belda Palazón, Borja; Gómez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Mayer, Klaus F. X.; Geiger, Dietmar; Alquraishi, Saleh A.; Alrefaei, Abdulwahed F.; Ache, Peter; Hedrich, Rainer; Rodríguez Egea, Pedro Luís; Instituto Universitario Mixto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas[EN] The identification of those prevalent abscisic acid (ABA) receptors and molecular mechanisms that trigger drought adaptation in crops well adapted to harsh conditions such as date palm (Phoenix dactylifera, Pd) sheds light on plant-environment interactions. We reveal that PdPYL8-like receptors are predominantly expressed under abiotic stress, with Pd27 being the most expressed receptor in date palm. Therefore, subfamily I PdPYL8-like receptors have been selected for ABA signaling during abiotic stress response in this crop. Biochemical characterization of PdPYL8-like and PdPYL1-like receptors revealed receptor- and ABA-dependent inhibition of PP2Cs, which triggers activation of the pRD29B-LUC reporter in response to ABA. PdPYLs efficiently abolish PP2C-mediated repression of ABA signaling, but loss of the Trp lock in the seed-specific AHG1-like phosphatase PdPP2C79 markedly impairs its inhibition by ABA receptors. Characterization of Arabidopsis transgenic plants that express PdPYLs shows enhanced ABA signaling in seed, root, and guard cells. Specifically, Pd27-overexpressing plants showed lower ABA content and were more efficient than the wild type in lowering transpiration at negative soil water potential, leading to enhanced drought tolerance. Finally, PdPYL8-like receptors accumulate after ABA treatment, which suggests that ABA-induced stabilization of these receptors operates in date palm for efficient boosting of ABA signaling in response to abiotic stress.
- PublicationTripartite hormonal regulation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity(Elsevier, 2022-06) Miao, Rui; Russinova, Eugenia; Rodríguez Egea, Pedro Luís; Instituto Universitario Mixto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas; Agencia Estatal de Investigación; European Regional Development Fund[EN] The enzyme activity of the plasma membrane (PM) proton pump, well known as arabidopsis PM H+-ATPase (AHA) in the model plant arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), is controlled by phosphorylation. Three different classes of phytohormones, brassinosteroids (BRs), abscisic acid (ABA), and auxin regulate plant growth and responses to environmental stimuli, at least in part by modulating the activity of the pump through phosphorylation of the penultimate Thr residue in its carboxyl terminus. Here, we review the current knowledge regarding this tripartite hormonal AHA regulation and highlight mechanisms of activation and deactivation, as well as the significance of hormonal crosstalk. Understanding the complexity of PM H+-ATPase regulation in plants might provide new strategies for sustainable agriculture.
- PublicationA dual function of SnRK2 kinases in the regulation of SnRK1 and plant growth(Nature Publishing Group, 2020-11) Belda Palazón, Borja; Adamo, Mattia; Valerio, Concetta; Ferreira, Liliana J.; Confraria, Ana; Reis-Barata, Diana; Rodrigues, Americo; Meyer, Christian; Rodríguez Egea, Pedro Luís; Baena-González, Elena; Instituto Universitario Mixto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas; European Commission; Saclay Plant Sciences; Generalitat Valenciana; Agencia Estatal de Investigación; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal[EN] Adverse environmental conditions trigger responses in plants that promote stress tolerance and survival at the expense of growth(1). However, little is known of how stress signalling pathways interact with each other and with growth regulatory components to balance growth and stress responses. Here, we show that plant growth is largely regulated by the interplay between the evolutionarily conserved energy-sensing SNF1-related protein kinase 1 (SnRK1) protein kinase and the abscisic acid (ABA) phytohormone pathway. While SnRK2 kinases are main drivers of ABA-triggered stress responses, we uncover an unexpected growth-promoting function of these kinases in the absence of ABA as repressors of SnRK1. Sequestration of SnRK1 by SnRK2-containing complexes inhibits SnRK1 signalling, thereby allowing target of rapamycin (TOR) activity and growth under optimal conditions. On the other hand, these complexes are essential for releasing and activating SnRK1 in response to ABA, leading to the inhibition of TOR and growth under stress. This dual regulation of SnRK1 by SnRK2 kinases couples growth control with environmental factors typical for the terrestrial habitat and is likely to have been critical for the water-to-land transition of plants.
- PublicationRBR-type E3 ligases and the Ub-conjugating enzyme UBC26 regulate ABA receptor levels and signaling(American Society of Plant Biologists, 2020-04) FERNÁNDEZ LÓPEZ, MARIA ANGELES; Belda Palazón, Borja; Julian, J.; Coego Gonzalez, Alberto; Lozano Juste, Jorge; Iñigo, Sabrina; RODRIGUEZ, LESIA; Bueso Ródenas, Eduardo; Goossens, Alain; Rodríguez Egea, Pedro Luís; Instituto Universitario Mixto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas; Departamento de Biotecnología; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica y del Medio Natural; European Commission; Generalitat Valenciana; European Regional Development Fund; Belgian Federal Science Policy Office; Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Agencia Estatal de Investigación; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad[EN] The turnover of abscisic acid (ABA) signaling core components modulates the plant's response to ABA and is regulated by ubiquitination. We show that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) RING Finger ABA-Related1 (RFA1) and RFA4 E3 ubiquitin ligases, members of the RING between RING fingers (RBR)-type RSL1/RFA family, are key regulators of ABA receptor stability in root and leaf tissues, targeting ABA receptors for degradation in different subcellular locations. RFA1 is localized both in the nucleus and cytosol, whereas RFA4 shows specific nuclear localization and promotes nuclear degradation of ABA receptors. Therefore, members of the RSL1/RFA family interact with ABA receptors at plasma membrane, cytosol, and nucleus, targeting them for degradation via the endosomal/vacuolar RSL1-dependent pathway or 26S proteasome. Additionally, we provide insight into the physiological function of the relatively unexplored plant RBR-type E3 ligases, and through mutagenesis and biochemical assays we identified cysteine-361 in RFA4 as the putative active site cysteine, which is a distinctive feature of RBR-type E3 ligases. Endogenous levels of PYR1 and PYL4 ABA receptors were higher in the rfa1 rfa4 double mutant than in wild-type plants. UBC26 was identified as the cognate nuclear E2 enzyme that interacts with the RFA4 E3 ligase and forms UBC26-RFA4-receptor complexes in nuclear speckles. Loss-of-function ubc26 alleles and the rfa1 rfa4 double mutant showed enhanced sensitivity to ABA and accumulation of ABA receptors compared with the wild type. Together, our results reveal a sophisticated mechanism by which ABA receptors are targeted by ubiquitin at different subcellular locations, in which the complexity of the ABA receptor family is mirrored in the partner RBR-type E3 ligases.
- PublicationChemical activation of ABA signaling in grapevine through the iSB09 and AMF4 ABA receptor agonists enhances water use efficiency(Blackwell Publishing, 2024-11) Bono, Mar; Ferrer-Gallego; Pou, Alicia; Rivera-Moreno, María; Benavente, Juan L.; Mayordomo Ruiz, Cristian; Deis, Leonor; Carbonell-Bejerano, Pablo; Pizzio, Gaston A.; Navarro-Payá, David; Matus, José Tomás; Martínez-Zapater, J.M.; Albert, Armando; Intrigliolo, Diego S.; Rodríguez Egea, Pedro Luís; Instituto Universitario Mixto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas; European Commission; Agencia Estatal de Investigación; European Regional Development Fund; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación[EN] Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is the world's third most valuable horticultural crop, and the current environmental scenario is massively shifting the grape cultivation landscape. The increase in heatwaves and drought episodes alter fruit ripening, compromise grape yield and vine survival, intensifying the pressure on using limited water resources. ABA is a key phytohormone that reduces canopy transpiration and helps plants to cope with water deficit. However, the exogenous application of ABA is impractical because it suffers fast catabolism, and UV-induced isomerization abolishes its bioactivity. Consequently, there is an emerging field for developing molecules that act as ABA receptor agonists and modulate ABA signaling but have a longer half-life. We have explored the foliar application of the iSB09 and AMF4 agonists in the two grapevine cultivars cv. 'Bobal' and 'Tempranillo' to induce an ABA-like response to facilitate plant adaptation to drought. The results indicate that iSB09 and AMF4 act through the VviPYL1-like, VviPYL4-like, and VviPYL8-like ABA receptors to trigger stomatal closure, reduce plant transpiration, and increase water use efficiency. Structural and bioinformatic analysis of VviPYL1 in complex with ABA or these agonists revealed key structural determinants for efficient ligand binding, providing a mechanistic framework to understand receptor activation by the ligands. Physiological analyses further demonstrated that iSB09 has a more sustained effect on reducing transpiration than ABA, and agonist spraying of grapevine leaves protected PSII during drought stress. These findings offer innovative approaches to strengthen the vine's response to water stress and reduce plant consumptive water use under limited soil water conditions.
- PublicationBiostimulant activity of Galaxaura rugosa seaweed extracts against water deficit stress in tomato seedlings involves activation of ABA signaling(Frontiers Media SA, 2023-09-14) Morales-Sierra, Sarai; Cristo Luis, Juan; Jiménez-Arias, David; Rancel-Rodríguez, Nereida M.; Coego, Alberto; Rodríguez Egea, Pedro Luís; Cueto, Mercedes; Borges, Andrés A.; Instituto Universitario Mixto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas; Interreg; European Commission; Generalitat Valenciana; Agencia Estatal de Investigación; European Regional Development Fund; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación[EN] Water scarcity is a serious constraint for agriculture, and global warming and climate change can exacerbate it in many areas. Therefore, sustainable approaches must be implemented to deal with current and future water scarcity scenarios. Genetic and chemical approaches are being applied to manage this limitation and maintain crop yields. In particular, biostimulants obtained from natural sources such as marine algae are promising aids for coping with water deficit stress in agriculture. Here we present a bioprospection study of extracts of the macroalgae Bonnemaisonia hamifera, Galaxaura rugosa, Dasycladus vermicularis, Ulva clathrata, Cystoseira foeniculacea, Cystoseira humilis, Lobophora dagamae, Colpomenia sinuosa and Halopteris scoparia from the north coast of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. The aqueous extracts of Bonnemaisonia hamifera, Galaxaura rugosa, Dasycladus vermicularis and Cystoseira humilis show biostimulant activity against water deficit stress in tomato seedlings under controlled conditions, providing higher tolerance than the mock-treated control. The Galaxaura rugosa extract showed the highest biostimulant activity against water deficit stress. We demonstrate that this positive effect involves the activation of the abscisic acid (ABA) pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana (arabidopsis) and Solanum lycopersicum (tomato). Application of G. rugosa extract to the root system by drenching tomato seedlings subjected to water deficit leads to improved CO2 assimilation and water use efficiency (WUEp), compared to mock-treated plants. These results highlight a new potential seaweed source of substances with osmoprotectant properties, useful for biostimulant development. Future studies may provide further insight into which components of the seaweed extract induce activation of the ABA pathway.
- PublicationArabidopsis Hypocotyl Adventitious Root Formation Is Suppressed by ABA Signaling(MDPI, 2021-08) Zeng, Yinwei; Verstraeten, Inge; Trinh, Hoang Khai; Heugebaert, Thomas; Stevens, Christian V.; García-Maquilón, Irene; Rodríguez Egea, Pedro Luís; Vanneste, Steffen; Geelen, Danny; Instituto Universitario Mixto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas; Ghent University; China Scholarship Council; Research Foundation Flanders; Agencia Estatal de Investigación; Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship[EN] Roots are composed of different root types and, in the dicotyledonous Arabidopsis, typically consist of a primary root that branches into lateral roots. Adventitious roots emerge from non-root tissue and are formed upon wounding or other types of abiotic stress. Here, we investigated adventitious root (AR) formation in Arabidopsis hypocotyls under conditions of altered abscisic acid (ABA) signaling. Exogenously applied ABA suppressed AR formation at 0.25 mu M or higher doses. AR formation was less sensitive to the synthetic ABA analog pyrabactin (PB). However, PB was a more potent inhibitor at concentrations above 1 mu M, suggesting that it was more selective in triggering a root inhibition response. Analysis of a series of phosphonamide and phosphonate pyrabactin analogs suggested that adventitious root formation and lateral root branching are differentially regulated by ABA signaling. ABA biosynthesis and signaling mutants affirmed a general inhibitory role of ABA and point to PYL1 and PYL2 as candidate ABA receptors that regulate AR inhibition.
- PublicationABI5-FLZ13 Module Transcriptionally Represses Growth-related Genes to Delay Seed Germination in Response to ABA(Cell Press, 2023-11-13) Yang, Chao; Li, Xibao; Chen, Shunquan; Liu, Chuanliang; Yang, Lianming; Li, Kailin; Liao, Jun; Zheng, Xuanang; Zeng, Shaohua; Li, Hongbo; Li, Yongqing; Zhuang, Xiaohong; Rodríguez Egea, Pedro Luís; Luo, Ming; Wang, Ying; Instituto Universitario Mixto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Government of Guangdong Province; National Natural Science Foundation of China; Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province; Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation of Guangdong Province[EN] The bZIP transcription factor ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE5 (ABI5) is a master regulator of seed germination and post-germinative growth in response to abscisic acid (ABA), but the detailed molecular mechanism by which it represses plant growth remains unclear. In this study, we used proximity labeling to map the neighboring proteome of ABI5 and identified FCS-LIKE ZINC FINGER PROTEIN 13 (FLZ13) as a novel ABI5 interaction partner. Phenotypic analysis of flz13 mutants and FLZ13-overexpressing lines demonstrated that FLZ13 acts as a positive regulator of ABA signaling. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that both FLZ13 and ABI5 downregulate the expression of ABA-repressed and growth-related genes involved in chlorophyll biosynthesis, photosynthesis, and cell wall organization, thereby repressing seed germination and seedling establishment in response to ABA. Further genetic analysis showed that FLZ13 and ABI5 function together to regulate seed germination. Collectively, our findings reveal a previously uncharacterized transcriptional regulatory mechanism by which ABA mediates inhibition of seed germination and seedling establishment.