[EN] Two-day-old suckling rabbits of a selected strain (NZW)
imported from a temperate country (France) were suckled in a tropical
country (Benin) by does of the local strain (CECURI). The growth
performance of !he ...
[EN] In only the past ten years, meat rabbit production in
Uganda has been actively prometed by enthusiasts, via the "Rabbit
Craze", as a get rich quick business opportunity with unlimited potential
markets, both domestic ...
[EN] A total of 80 two-day-old suckling rabbits of a selected
New Zealand White rabbit strain imported from a temperate country
(France) were suckled in a tropical country (Benin) by foster does of the
local population. ...
[EN] Sixty-four 4 to 6-week-old SPF (specified pathogen free) rabbits were
distributed into two equal groups. The first one (TC) was treated with
injections of dexametasone (4 mg/kg) during 3 weeks, at the rate of ...
[EN] An experiment on New Zealand White (NZW) and
Californian (CAL) rabbits was carried out to evaluate genetically postweaning
coat traits of these two breeds raised under hot conditions.
Data on 24680 and 10549 fibers ...