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Predictive ability of the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form (MNA-SF) in a free-living elderly population: a cross-sectional study

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Predictive ability of the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form (MNA-SF) in a free-living elderly population: a cross-sectional study

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Montejano Lozoya, R.; Martínez Alzamora, MN.; Clemente Marín, G.; Guirao-Goris, SJ.; Ferrer Diego, RM. (2017). Predictive ability of the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form (MNA-SF) in a free-living elderly population: a cross-sectional study. PeerJ. 5(e3345):1-17. doi:10.7717/peerj.3345

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Title: Predictive ability of the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form (MNA-SF) in a free-living elderly population: a cross-sectional study
Author: Montejano Lozoya, Raimunda Martínez Alzamora, Mª Nieves Clemente Marín, Gonzalo Guirao-Goris, Silamani J.A. Ferrer Diego, Rosa Mª
UPV Unit: Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa Aplicadas y Calidad - Departament d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa Aplicades i Qualitat
Issued date:
[EN] Background. Various scales have been used to perform a quick and first level nutritional assessment, and the MNA is one of the most used and recommended by experts in the elderly in all areas. This scale has a short ...[+]
Subjects: Nutritional assessment , MNA-SF , Free-living elderly
Copyrigths: Reconocimiento (by)
PeerJ. (eissn: 2167-8359 )
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3345
Publisher version: https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.3345
Type: Artículo



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