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Thermal desorption of methanol in hot cores. Study with a quartz crystal microbalance

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Thermal desorption of methanol in hot cores. Study with a quartz crystal microbalance

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Luna Molina, R.; Satorre, MÁ.; Domingo Beltran, M.; Millán Verdú, C.; Luna-Ferrándiz, R.; Gisbert-Pérez, GM.; Santonja Moltó, MDC. (2018). Thermal desorption of methanol in hot cores. Study with a quartz crystal microbalance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 473:1967-1976. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stx2473

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Title: Thermal desorption of methanol in hot cores. Study with a quartz crystal microbalance
Author: Luna Molina, Ramón Satorre, M. Á. Domingo Beltran, Manuel Millán Verdú, Carlos Luna-Ferrándiz, Ramón Gisbert-Pérez, Georgina María Santonja Moltó, Mª Del Carmen
UPV Unit: Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Física Aplicada - Departament de Física Aplicada
Issued date:
[EN] The desorption process of methanol in the hot cores of massive young stars is addressed in this work. The study of pure methanol ice and when it is mixed or layered with water allows a better understanding of the ...[+]
Subjects: Molecular data , Molecular processes , Methods: laboratory: solid state , ISM: molecules
Copyrigths: Reserva de todos los derechos
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. (issn: 0035-8711 )
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx2473
Oxford University Press
Publisher version: http://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stx2473
Project ID:
This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad FIS 2013-48087-C2-2-P. We want to thank the Departamento de Ingenieria Textil y Papelera de la Escuela Politecnica Superior de Alcoy for supplying us ...[+]
Type: Artículo



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