Temino-Boes, R.; Romero Gil, I.; Romero-Lopez, R.; Paches Giner, MAV.; Martínez-Guijarro, MR. (2018). Estimation of the effect of sewage nitrogen discharges on coastal waters: Case study from the Mediterranean Sea. EPiC Series in Engineering. 3:2051-2058. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/118174
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Title: | Estimation of the effect of sewage nitrogen discharges on coastal waters: Case study from the Mediterranean Sea | |
Author: | Temino-Boes, Regina Romero-Lopez, R. | |
UPV Unit: |
Issued date: |
Abstract: |
[EN] Sewage discharges through marine outfalls are an important anthropogenic source of nutrients to marine
waters, which may cause undesired impact such as eutrophication. However, few authors have evaluated the
contribution ...[+]
Subjects: |
Copyrigths: | Cerrado | |
Source: |
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Publisher version: | https://easychair.org/publications/EPiC/all_volumes | |
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