ARCHITECTURE, Barclay & Crousse(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-04-30)
[EN] An archaeological museum must find the delicate balance between archaeological conservation and divulgation to the public. A site museum, as the Paracas Julio C Tello Museum, acquires the additional challenge of merging ...
ARCHITECTURE, Barclay & Crousse(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-04-30)
[EN] The project is carefully inserted into the dynamic of cliffs and ravines that ring the bay of Lima, attempting to merge with landscape by following the same territorial logic that characterizes its waterfront. By doing ...
ARCHITECTURE, Barclay & Crousse(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-04-30)
[EN] This set of four houses stems from an investigation into the typological variation of a “prototype”, the Equis House, located on the same bay. With the growing densification of constructions on the beach, we followed ...
Abalos-Ramos, Ana; Llopis Fernández, Pablo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-04-30)
[EN] About the difference
Twenty years and 10,000 kilometers separate the construction of the museum Mairaux in France and the Paracas Musuem in Peru. As a starting point, this interview will be interesting to know in ...
Abalos-Ramos, Ana; Llopis Fernández, Pablo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-04-30)
Si algo define la obra de Barclay&Crousse diríamos que es la pertinencia. Esta afirmación podría ser el resultado de una primera mirada que se topa con la energía y la solidez que transmiten sus proyectos. Una energía ...