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Orchestrating Complex Application Architectures in Heterogeneous Clouds

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Orchestrating Complex Application Architectures in Heterogeneous Clouds

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Caballer Fernández, M.; Zala, S.; López, Á.; Moltó, G.; Orviz, P.; Velten, M. (2018). Orchestrating Complex Application Architectures in Heterogeneous Clouds. Journal of Grid Computing. 16(1):3-18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-017-9418-y

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Title: Orchestrating Complex Application Architectures in Heterogeneous Clouds
Author: Caballer Fernández, Miguel Zala, Sahdev López, Álvaro Moltó, Germán Orviz, Pablo Velten, Mathieu
UPV Unit: Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación - Departament de Sistemes Informàtics i Computació
Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular - Institut d'Instrumentació per a Imatge Molecular
Issued date:
[EN] Private cloud infrastructures are now widely deployed and adopted across technology industries and research institutions. Although cloud computing has emerged as a reality, it is now known that a single cloud provider ...[+]
Subjects: Cloud-computing , Heterogeneous-cloud , Multi-cloud , Open-source , TOSCA
Copyrigths: Reserva de todos los derechos
Journal of Grid Computing. (issn: 1570-7873 )
DOI: 10.1007/s10723-017-9418-y
Publisher version: http://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-017-9418-y
Project ID:
info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/653549/EU/INtegrating Distributed data Infrastructures for Global ExplOitation/
The authors want to acknowledge the support of the INDIGO-Datacloud (grant number 653549) project, funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Framework Program.
Type: Artículo


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