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Dietary effect of short-chain organic acids on growth performance, mortality and development of intestinal lymphoid tissues in young non-medicated rabbits

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Dietary effect of short-chain organic acids on growth performance, mortality and development of intestinal lymphoid tissues in young non-medicated rabbits

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Romero, C.; García Rebollar, P.; Dal Bosco, A.; Castellini, C.; Cardinali, R. (2011). Dietary effect of short-chain organic acids on growth performance, mortality and development of intestinal lymphoid tissues in young non-medicated rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 19(3):133-142. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2011.866

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Title: Dietary effect of short-chain organic acids on growth performance, mortality and development of intestinal lymphoid tissues in young non-medicated rabbits
Author: Romero, Carlos García Rebollar, Pilar Dal Bosco, Alessandro Castellini, Cesare Cardinali, Raffaella
Issued date:
[EN] This work aimed to test the effect of a dietary inclusion of formic and citric acids on growth performance, mortality, jejunal histology and development of intestinal lymphoid tissues in growing non-medicated rabbits. ...[+]
Subjects: Fattening rabbits , Growth performance , Gut histology , Health status , Lymphoid tissue , Organic acids
Copyrigths: Reserva de todos los derechos
World Rabbit Science. (issn: 1257-5011 ) (eissn:  1989-8886 )
DOI: 10.4995/wrs.2011.866
Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València
Publisher version: http://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2011.866
Type: Artículo



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