[EN] The Death Christ of Andrea Mantegna was a leap forward in the evolution of art and painting of the Renaissance because of its innovative and transgressive
perspective. This paper presents a new enhancement of the ...
Alcayde Egea, Rafael(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011)
[EN] Alongside the tradition that, since Vitruvius, has proclaimed the fundamental role of Drawing in architectural education, runs another no-less influential current which has considered it counterproductive. Assuming, ...
Rodríguez de Antonio, Francisco de Paula(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011)
[EN] In the late XV century and during the first third of the XVI century occurs in Segovia a socioeconomic transformation process that culminates in a new social model, more complex, that adopts a new architectural language. ...
[EN] The article aims the analysis of the urban transformations in the so-called Madrid Cornice from
its naming as a capital onwards. The strong symbolism communicated through the time as
iconic façade of the city has ...
Amado Lorenzo, Antonio(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011)
[EN] The main objective is to analyse Louis I. Kahn’s reaction on visiting Ronchamp in 1959, studying his sketch of the interior and comparing it with others by the architect and a similar sketch by Le Corbusier. The system ...