[ES] En el presente proyecto se va a realizar el dimensionamiento de una instalación fotovoltaica en la cubierta de una empresa de reparto de productos alimenticios situada en la población de Xirivella.
La instalación ...[+]
[ES] En el presente proyecto se va a realizar el dimensionamiento de una instalación fotovoltaica en la cubierta de una empresa de reparto de productos alimenticios situada en la población de Xirivella.
La instalación será del tipo de autoconsumo con excedentes acogida a compensación, donde el consumidor utilizará la energía procedente de los módulos cuando lo necesite, y donde también podrá utilizar energía de la red cuando el consumo sea superior que la producción fotovoltaica, en periodos de nula radiación solar o en condiciones climatológicas adversas. Los excedentes vertidos a la red serán remunerados.
Actualmente la nave dispone de dos puntos de suministro distintos, debido a que uno de ellos corresponde a los almacenes donde se tienen las cámaras frigoríficas y el otro a las oficinas de la empresa y una parte de la nave. Por lo tanto, se dimensionará una instalación de 50 kW y otra de 36 kW.
Una vez dimensionada la instalación, se va a realizar un estudio económico para averiguar la viabilidad del proyecto, el periodo de retorno y el ahorro que supone la instalación fotovoltaica durante su vida útil. También se obtendrá la reducción de emisiones de CO2 tras la instalación de los módulos fotovoltaicos.
A continuación, se realizará un presupuesto detallado de los elementos necesarios, como paneles, inversores, cableado, cajas de conexiones, reguladores¿ así como las medidas de seguridad necesarias para la instalación correcta de los módulos.
Asimismo, se desarrollará el planning del montaje de la instalación fotovoltaica.
Por último, se va a confeccionar el proceso necesario para ejecutar la legalización del proyecto de acuerdo al RD 244/2019 y a la normativa estatal, autonómica y municipal.
[EN] In this project, calculations are carried out for the sizing of two photovoltaic installations
(50 and 36 kWn) connected to the grid in the mode of self-consumption with surpluses, located on
the roofs of a food ...[+]
[EN] In this project, calculations are carried out for the sizing of two photovoltaic installations
(50 and 36 kWn) connected to the grid in the mode of self-consumption with surpluses, located on
the roofs of a food distribution company in Xirivella (Valencia). This configuration has been carried
out, because the company has two different supply points and different energy demands.
For reasons of limiting the deck space, the first installation has 144 modules of 375 W, thus
achieving a peak power of 54 kW. In the second generator field, the 96 panels provide a peak
power of 36 kW.
The facilities will provide an annual energy of 81.730 kWh and 54.487 kWh respectively.
Calculations have been made for the proper selection of the wiring sections of each part of the
installations, as well as the choice of protections necessary for the safe operation of the systems
and for the protection of people.
Both facilities are designed to minimise the investment required, although quality materials and
devices are used and comply with European regulations. The total budget of both installations is
about 59.662 €, and the approximate return period is 4 years with a 23% TIR.
It is also carried out approximately for each of the activities to be carried out for the execution of
the works by means of a Gantt chart.
Finally, the necessary procedures are carried out for the legalization of both facilities in
accordance with RD244/2019 and state, regional and municipal regulations.
[CAT/VA] In this project, calculations are carried out for the sizing of two photovoltaic installations
(50 and 36 kWn) connected to the grid in the mode of self-consumption with surpluses, located on
the roofs of a food ...[+]
[CAT/VA] In this project, calculations are carried out for the sizing of two photovoltaic installations
(50 and 36 kWn) connected to the grid in the mode of self-consumption with surpluses, located on
the roofs of a food distribution company in Xirivella (Valencia). This configuration has been carried
out, because the company has two different supply points and different energy demands.
For reasons of limiting the deck space, the first installation has 144 modules of 375 W, thus
achieving a peak power of 54 kW. In the second generator field, the 96 panels provide a peak
power of 36 kW.
The facilities will provide an annual energy of 81.730 kWh and 54.487 kWh respectively.
Calculations have been made for the proper selection of the wiring sections of each part of the
installations, as well as the choice of protections necessary for the safe operation of the systems
and for the protection of people.
Both facilities are designed to minimise the investment required, although quality materials and
devices are used and comply with European regulations. The total budget of both installations is
about 59.662 €, and the approximate return period is 4 years with a 23% TIR.
It is also carried out approximately for each of the activities to be carried out for the execution of
the works by means of a Gantt chart.
Finally, the necessary procedures are carried out for the legalization of both facilities in
accordance with RD244/2019 and state, regional and municipal regulations.