Mondragón-Valero, A.; Malheiro, R.; Salazar Hernández, DM.; Pereira, JA.; López- Cortés, I. (2019). Changes produced by the application of biostimulants on almond rootstocks properties during the nursery process. Advances in Agriculture & Botanics (Online). 11(1):56-71.
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Title: | Changes produced by the application of biostimulants on almond rootstocks properties during the nursery process | |
Author: | Malheiro, R. Pereira, José Alberto | |
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[EN] During the last ten years we have assisted to the consolidation of the almond crop that has remarkably increased its cultivation area causing a high demand for both plants and products related to growth stimulation. ...[+]
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Copyrigths: | Reconocimiento (by) | |
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