[CA] El present projecte té com a punts de partida, d'una banda, l'envelliment de la població que s'esta donant des de fa unes decades fins hui día en la nostra societat i, en conseqüencia, l'augment de les malalties mentaIs ...[+]
[CA] El present projecte té com a punts de partida, d'una banda, l'envelliment de la població que s'esta donant des de fa unes decades fins hui día en la nostra societat i, en conseqüencia, l'augment de les malalties mentaIs i físiques i, d'una altra, la necessitat que existeix de la creació de productes d'entreteniment i d'es timulació destinats al sector sénior de la població.
A més a més, s'investiga la relació entre el moviment de les mans, l'estimulació cognitiva i la terapia anties trés, junt amb l'analisi d'altres problemes quotidians que pateixen les persones sénior, com per exemple la soledat. A més, aquest projecte serveix pera promoure els valors que hi ha darrere del que es coneix com a disseny social i que és un deis eixos principals del treball.
També s'analitzen aspectes que serviran d'inspiració peral producte final, com són l'artesania, el consum de materies primeres locals i el foment de l'economia circular, i amb tot, es realitza un disseny integral de producte que inclou el logotip i el packaging, que ve suggerit a partir de les següents paraules clau: fibres locals, envelliment i disseny social.
[EN] The project has as its starting points, on the one hand, the aging of the population that has been taking place for some decades now in our society, and on the other hand, the need for the creation of entertainment ...[+]
[EN] The project has as its starting points, on the one hand, the aging of the population that has been taking place for some decades now in our society, and on the other hand, the need for the creation of entertainment and stimulation products for the senior sector of the population.
First of all, everyday social, physical and cognitive problems of senior people have been studied. Secondly, this project has focused in the association between manual mobility and cognitive stimulation in the elderly and its socially benefits. And finally, the goal has been to create a design solution that allows hands manipulation, supporting manual and cognitive impairment prevention, and enhancing human relations, giving the option to use the product alone in company.
After the research, the conclusions were that the product should be analogical and have to be made it with valuable materials for the elderly. Another important condition for the creation of the product was to entertain the senior user and be useful like antistress therapy. The product should be part of their domestic life.
It is important to add, that the user, a person older than 60 years old, without sex discrimination and without serious cognitive or hands illness yet, want to improve her daily life and prevent the impairment due to aging.
At the same time, it is necessary to consider another important aspect to create the product like the commitment to the environment. This product tries to integrate a circular production model and wants to give support to local commerce and crafts, giving a chance to neighbourhood economy.This project studies a product that stimulates mind and hands during the domestic life as a positive therapy.