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Revista de Teledetección - Núm. 57 (2020)
Tabla de contenidos
Artículos de investigación
- Monitoring of atmospheric methane and nitrous oxide concentrations from Metop/IASI
- Comparison of OMI-DOAS total ozone column with ground-based measurements in Argentina
- Vegetation phenology from satellite imagery: the case of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands (2001-2017)
- Evaluation of four classification algorithms of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellite images to identify forest cover in highly fragmented regions in Costa Rica
Casos prácticos
- Spatial and temporal analysis of surface temperature in the Apacheta micro-basin using Landsat thermal data
- Structural connectivity between the Páramos of Guacheneque and Los Cristales, Rabanal-Río Bogotá complex, Colombia
- Damage Assessment and Recovery Mapping for the "Las Peñuelas" Wildfire, Moguer (Huelva). Satellite Imagery. Year 2017
Tesis doctorales
Processing and analysis of airborne full-waveform laser scanning data for the characterization of forest structure and fuel properties
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