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Factors determining the trade costs of major European exporters

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Factors determining the trade costs of major European exporters

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Martí Selva, ML.; Puertas Medina, RM. (2019). Factors determining the trade costs of major European exporters. Maritime Economics & Logistics. 21(3):324-333. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41278-017-0093-5

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Title: Factors determining the trade costs of major European exporters
Author: Martí Selva, María Luisa Puertas Medina, Rosa María
UPV Unit: Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales - Departament d'Economia i Ciències Socials
Issued date:
[EN] The aim of this paper is to analyse the determining factors of trade costs in the top European exporting nations (Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Sweden). For this purpose, we ...[+]
Subjects: Trade costs , Logistical performance , European Union , International trade
Copyrigths: Reserva de todos los derechos
Maritime Economics & Logistics. (issn: 1479-2931 )
DOI: 10.1057/s41278-017-0093-5
Nature Publishing Group - Macmillan Publishers
Publisher version: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41278-017-0093-5
Type: Artículo


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