[ES] El objetivo de este proyecto es el de proponer un diseño de reproductor de sonido consistente en unos altavoces auto amplificados. Para cumplir con este objetivo general se realizará un Estudio de Mercado para conocer ...[+]
[ES] El objetivo de este proyecto es el de proponer un diseño de reproductor de sonido consistente en unos altavoces auto amplificados. Para cumplir con este objetivo general se realizará un Estudio de Mercado para conocer tendencias, diseños actuales y rango de precios. Se realizará un estudio sobre la normativa aplicable y así como
los estándares que puedan afectar el diseño final. Con esta información se propondrán diferentes soluciones teniendo en cuenta; aspectos funcionales, de
seguridad y resistencia, ergonómicos y estéticos. Finalmente se propondrá un diseño definitivo que será representado mediante renders, planos y despieces.
Se realizará y registrará un estudio y propuesta de selección de materiales y de procesos de fabricación. La memoria se cerrará con un presupuesto y estudio
de viabilidad, además de otros contenidos que sirvan para enriquecer y completar el documento. En todo momento, los contenidos de este proyecto se
guiarán por las recomendaciones de la EPSA según UNE 177001:2014, por lo que se espera superar con éxito la defensa del TFG
[EN] The objective of this project is to propose a player design in order to be able to compete in the market with existing models. Sound player is understood as the set of elements necessary to amplify and process an ...[+]
[EN] The objective of this project is to propose a player design in order to be able to compete in the market with existing models. Sound player is understood as the set of elements necessary to amplify and process an electrical signal, in this case analog, to reproduce it through the use of conventional speakers. Thus, this player will be an amplifier-speaker system. It was decided to design the system in a modular way, where a central control module will wirelessly send the sound signal to the speakers that will be self-amplified.The solution proposed for this project has been to analyze the market to establish a price range and investigate the various functions offered by these products. Subsequently, with these data, some criteria to be followed for the design will be specified and, using knowledge in alternative materials and construction methods and the "open source" philosophy, we will look for all electronic material, as well as tools and other elements to develop in the simplest and most accessible to the public to bring the design into production.This solution consists of a set of different formats that can be repaired and manufactured separately and connected to each other both physically and computerized to modify and adjust the sound to be reproduced with a format and power compatible with the current market, offering compatibility with the methods. conventional power supplies as well as offering the user in the necessary operating systems the function of connecting said amplifiers in an interface designed specifically for this product.