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Revista de Teledetección - Núm. 58 (2021)

RiuNet: Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Desde el lunes 3 y hasta el jueves 20 de marzo, RiuNet funcionará en modo de solo lectura a causa de su actualización a una nueva versión.

Revista de Teledetección - Núm. 58 (2021)


Tabla de contenidos

Artículos de investigación

  • Determination of land surface temperature using Landsat 8 images: Comparative study of algorithms on the city of Granada
  • Estimation of rice crop evapotranspiration in Perú based on the METRIC algorithm and UAV images
  • Mapping Sandy Areas and their changes using remote sensing. A Case Study at North-East Al-Muthanna Province, South of Iraq
  • Monitoring water storage changes in Middle and Low Paraná river basin using GRACE, GRACE FO, TRMM and GLDAS data
  • Evaluation of classification algorithms in the Google Earth Engine platform for the identification and change detection of rural and periurban buildings from very high-resolution images
  • Evaluation of segmentation parameters in OBIA for classification of land covers from UAV images

Casos prácticos

  • Application of a simplified methodology to estimate reservoir capacity curves
  • Study of water level fluctuations in Gallocanta Lake (Aragón, Spain) using Sentinel-2 imagery
  • Surface water extent dynamics from three periods of continuous Landsat time series; subregional differences across Argentine plains

Tesis doctorales

  • Integration of remote sensing images in the development of environmental indicators in Mediterranean basins. Application for monitoring water status and productivity

Envíos recientes

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