[ES] Siendo una de las industrias más contaminantes del mundo, la industria textil está experimentando un cambio. Los Sistemas Producto-Servicio (PSS) nos proporcionan una alternativa circular a nuestra actual forma de ...[+]
[ES] Siendo una de las industrias más contaminantes del mundo, la industria textil está experimentando un cambio. Los Sistemas Producto-Servicio (PSS) nos proporcionan una alternativa circular a nuestra actual forma de consumir, cambiando por completo la forma en que utilizamos y valoramos las prendas de ropa, además de redefinir nuestra conexión con las marcas que están detrás de ellas.
Centrado en la marca de vaqueros circulares MUD Jeans y su servicio Lease A Jeans, el objetivo de este proyecto es comprender la actual experiencia de los clientes al alquilar un par de MUD Jeans para adaptar el servicio ofrecido a sus actuales necesidades, mejorando su experiencia y aumentando su lealtad a la marca.
Utilizando el marco de innovación del Doble Diamante desarrollado por el Design Council, se descubrirán y definirán los problemas y deseos actuales de los clientes de MUD Jeans, para luego desarrollar y entregar un prototipo adecuado que será validado tanto por los consumidores como por el equipo directivo de MUD Jeans.
Durante el proceso de desarrollo del prototipo, clientes de MUD Jeans participarán directamente en el proceso de diseño a través de un enfoque de diseño co-creativo y generativo, proporcionando una nueva perspectiva tanto de los servicios ofrecidos durante el alquiler de los vaqueros como de las posibles soluciones.
El prototipo propuesto mostrará claramente el valor potencial que los Sistemas Producto-Servicio podrían tener en la industria textil en su conjunto. Los PSS no sólo abren una nueva forma de consumir moda, sino que también acercan a las marcas y a sus clientes, creando un espacio para que florezcan relaciones más transparentes y significativas entre ellos.
[EN] Everyone needs clothes. No matter what culture,
climate or country, we all wear clothes. Every single day. They keep us warm, or cool, and they help
us express ourselves throughout our lives. With a
growing population ...[+]
[EN] Everyone needs clothes. No matter what culture,
climate or country, we all wear clothes. Every single day. They keep us warm, or cool, and they help
us express ourselves throughout our lives. With a
growing population currently reaching 7.9 billion
people worldwide, clothing production has steadily
increased too. Every year, 80 billion pieces of clothing are purchased annually, positioning the fashion
industry as one of the most polluting industries in
the world (Shirvanimoghaddam et al., 2020; Bick et
al., 2018; United Nations, 2019).
However, the clothing industry is undergoing change. Product-Service Systems (PSS) serve as a circular
alternative to our current way of consuming, completely changing the way we use, value and experience clothes, as well as redefining our relationships
with the brands behind them.
Framed around the circular denim brand MUD Jeans
and its “Lease A Jeans” service, the purpose of this
project is to fully understand customers’ current experience of leasing a pair of MUD Jeans in order to
better adapt the offered service to their needs, improving their overall service experience and increasing their loyalty to the brand.
Using the Double Diamond framework of innovation developed by the Design Council, MUD Jeans
customers’ current needs and desires are discovered and defined through a quantitative (n=620) and
qualitative (n=23) customer study, to then develop
and deliver a suitable prototype that will be validated
with both consumers and MUD Jeans’ management
team. In order to identify the most prominent and
recurring struggles to solve in this project, the insights discovered are clustered and summarised into
34 pain points that are then reduced to 19 “solvable”
ones using an impact-effort chart.
Throughout the whole project, MUD Jeans’ customers are included as an indispensable and necessary partner, directly taking part in the design process through a co-creational and generative design
approach. Their constant supply of ideas and feedback not only brings a fresh perspective to the service, but also increases the variety and quality of the
solutions proposed.
The validated Lease A Jeans and Account prototype
pages serve as an example of the potential value of
using a strategic and co-creational approach when
designing Product-Service Systems in the clothing
industry. With this project we managed to go beyond solving problems, rethinking the whole service
experience. The proposed solution not only makes
the service more tangible, trust-worthy and easy to
understand for new potential leasers, but also brings
current leasers closer to the brand, offering them
full access to everything connected to their service
experience as well as a direct connection to MUD
Jeans, their projects and the team behind it.
MUD Jeans’ Lease A Jeans service is more than a
new sustainable way of enjoying fashion, it brings
brands and customers closer together, enabling a
space for more transparent and meaningful relationships to flourish.