[ES] En este trabajo de fin de grado se va a poner en análisis el comportamiento
térmico de una construcción moderna del arquitecto Fernando Moreno Barberá,
utilizando los conocimientos teóricos previstos para el aná ...[+]
[ES] En este trabajo de fin de grado se va a poner en análisis el comportamiento
térmico de una construcción moderna del arquitecto Fernando Moreno Barberá,
utilizando los conocimientos teóricos previstos para el análisis, y los programas
de certificación energética diseñados al caso. Se pretende confirmar la eficiencia
energética de su obra y dotarle de reconocimiento al trabajo de Fernando Moreno
Barberá durante su periodo de ejercicio profesional. También dotar de
importancia al pensamiento de la eficiencia energética, este trabajo va a
orientarse hacia los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, entre ellos encontraremos
los objetivos 3, 7, 11 y 13; estos son: salud y bienestar, energía asequible y no
contaminante, ciudades y comunidades sostenibles y acción por el clima. Se
estudiará como la obra de Moreno Barberá se adapta a estos objetivos de
desarrollo sostenible aun siendo obra construida tiempo atrás.
[EN] The architectures projected during the period of validity of the Modern Movement in Spain frequently had as a starting point a satisfactory relationship with the environment and the use of available sunlight, both for ...[+]
[EN] The architectures projected during the period of validity of the Modern Movement in Spain frequently had as a starting point a satisfactory relationship with the environment and the use of available sunlight, both for hygienic purposes and for energy and natural lighting purposes. The knowledge available at the time of writing the project in relation to sunning did not go far beyond the elaboration and use of Solar Letters that allowed the design of adequate sunscreens; but it is noteworthy that in general the efficiency of the sunscreens projected during this period is very high.
The present proposal for Final Degree Project proposes after the election of an emblematic architecture of the Modern Movement in Spain in which the use of sunscreens is relevant, the study of its energy performance through the graphic tools available today. To this end, and after developing a three-dimensional model of the building under study, panoramic images will be obtained from the interior of the building that allow the energy evaluation of the incident sun; for later, deduce from the data obtained the energy saving that implies the use of the existing sunscreens in the building.