[EN] Several studies have investigated the differential vulnerability of hippocampal subfields during aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Results were often contradictory, mainly because these works were based on concatenations ...[+]
[EN] Several studies have investigated the differential vulnerability of hippocampal subfields during aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Results were often contradictory, mainly because these works were based on concatenations of cross-sectional measures in cohorts with different ages or stages of AD, in the absence of a longitudinal design. Here, we investigated 327 participants from a population-based cohort of nondemented older adults with a 14-year clinical follow-up. MRI at baseline and 4 years later were assessed to measure the annualized rates of hippocampal subfields atrophy in each participant using an automatic segmentation pipeline with subsequent quality control. On the one hand, CA4 dentate gyrus was significantly more affected than the other subfields in the whole population (CA1-3: -0.68%/year; subiculum: -0.99%/year; and CA4-DG: -1.39%/year; p < 0.0001). On the other hand, the annualized rate of CA1-3 atrophy was associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's clinical syndrome over time, independently of age, gender, educational level, and ApoE4 genotype (HR = 2.0; CI 95% 1.4-3.0). These results illustrate the natural history of hippocampal subfields atrophy during aging and AD by showing that the dentate gyrus is the most vulnerable subfield to the effects of aging while the cornu-ammonis is the primary target of AD pathophysiological processes, years before symptom onset.
The 3C Study is conducted under a partnership agreement among the Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), Bordeaux University, and Sanofi. The Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale funded the ...[+]
The 3C Study is conducted under a partnership agreement among the Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), Bordeaux University, and Sanofi. The Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale funded the preparation and initiation of the study. The 3C Study is also supported by Caisse Nationale Maladie des Travailleurs Salaries, Direction Generale de la Sante, Mutuelle Generale de l'Education Nationale, Institut de la Longevite, Conseils Regionaux d'Aquitaine et Bourgogne, Fondation de France, and the Ministry of Research-INSERM Programme "Cohortes et collections de donnees biologiques". The follow-ups have also been funded by ANR 2007LVIE 003, the "Fondation Plan Alzheimer," and the Caisse Nationale de Solidarite pour l'Autonomie (CNSA). This work benefited from the support of the project DeepvolBrain of the French National Research Agency (ANR-18-CE45-0013) and by the Spanish DPI2017-87743-R grant from the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad of Spain. In addition, this study was achieved within the context of the Laboratory of Excellence TRAIL ANR-10-LABX-57 for the BigDataBrain project. Finally, the authors thank the Investments for the future Program IdEx Bordeaux (ANR10-IDEX-03-02, HL-MRI Project), Cluster of excellence CPU, and the CNRS. VP also received grants from Fondation Bettencourt Schueller (CCA-Inserm-Bettencourt). The sponsors did not participate in any aspect of the design or performance of the study, including data collection, management, analysis, and the interpretation or preparation, review, and approval of the manuscript.