[EN] University students are used to attend traditional sessions where the teacher explains theoretical
lessons, the contents of which are then applied in practical sessions with identical scripts established to
follow the ...[+]
[EN] University students are used to attend traditional sessions where the teacher explains theoretical
lessons, the contents of which are then applied in practical sessions with identical scripts established to
follow the same scheme in practice and theory. This scheme of operation has been traditionally followed,
but in some cases, it has caused fatigue and lack of motivation to the students.
In the subject ¿Organizational Behavior and Change Management¿ (formerly ¿Comportamiento
Organizativo y Gestión del Cambio¿) in the Degree of Informatics Engineering, we have been getting
some feedback from students on how to improve the results of the students learning results [1].
Consequently to the received feedback, we have decided to put into practice the participation of external
speakers (with high experience in topics related to the subject) that show students the most important
values of the content of the subject learning guide, through dynamic group discussion sessions where
different topics from those studied in the theoretical sessions are discussed in practical sessions.
In this paper we propose the participation of external speakers in practical sessions, as a way to break
the routine of academic courses (where teacher of the subject is usually the only speaker in both
practical and theoretical sessions). We want to assess the impact that this breakage of the routine can
cause in the improvement of the student's perception regarding the evolution of the classes.
The second impact that we want to measure is how it affects the motivation of the students, in the
practical sessions, the proposal of topics of debate very different from the theoretical themes of the
subject, but at the same time directly related to the subject itself.
In summary, the expected result of this practical research activity is the evaluation of how students react
to these unexpected practical sessions, in an unexpected environment, and with unexpected speakers.
This impact will be measured based on the improvement of the assessment that students show as a
result of their practical learning.