Chevilly-Tena, S.; Dolz-Edo, L.; Martínez-Sánchez, G.; Morcillo, L.; Vilagrosa, A.; López-Nicolás, JM.; Blanca Postigo, JM.... (2021). Distinctive Traits for Drought and Salt Stress Tolerance in Melon (Cucumis melo L.). Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:1-13.
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Title: | Distinctive Traits for Drought and Salt Stress Tolerance in Melon (Cucumis melo L.) | |
Author: | Dolz-Edo, Laura Martínez-Sánchez, Gema Morcillo, Luna Vilagrosa, Alberto López-Nicolás, José M. | |
UPV Unit: |
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Abstract: |
[EN] Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is a crop with important agronomic interest worldwide. Because of the increase of drought and salinity in many cultivation areas as a result of anthropogenic global warming, the obtention of ...[+]
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Copyrigths: | Reconocimiento (by) | |
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Thanks: |
SC was a recipient of grant FPU19/01977 from the Spanish
Ministerio de Universidades. LM and AV activities were
funded by the Prometeu program (IMAGINA project,
PROMETEU/2019/110). LM was also supported by the
Spanish ...[+]
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