[CA] Les empreses de transport de mercaderies s´han convertit en un sector indispensable per al funcionament de l´economia global. En aquest món globalitzat, on es compren i comercialitzen milions de productes a través ...[+]
[CA] Les empreses de transport de mercaderies s´han convertit en un sector indispensable per al funcionament de l´economia global. En aquest món globalitzat, on es compren i comercialitzen milions de productes a través d´internet i de qualsevol part del planeta, la logística és fonamental. Per això, és tan important optimitzar els processos de transport per a reduir costos i millorar el serveis d´entrega. En concret, a aquest TFG, ens centrarem en una empresa que realitza ports de mercaderies primeres. En tractar-se d´una empresa que només realitza tasques de transport i, per tant, els seus beneficis provenen d´aquesta única activitat, té més importància la eficiència de la planificació. Durant el treball, extraurem les dades d´una empresa real i desenvoluparem, per després aplicar-los, models matemàtics per programar i assignar les rutes. Així, l´objectiu del treball serà posar de manifest com es pot produir l´optimització dels processos de planificació empresarial mitjançant la modelització matemàtica.
[EN] Transportation companies have become a key sector in the current global economic system. In a globalized world, where millions of products are bought and commercialized using the world wide web in any place of the ...[+]
[EN] Transportation companies have become a key sector in the current global economic system. In a globalized world, where millions of products are bought and commercialized using the world wide web in any place of the planet, logistics are fundamental. Moreover, as for the principal part of the sales that we do, a relevant price part corresponds to the shipping costs. Given that, it is important to optimise the transportation process in order to reduce costs and improve delivery services. In this project, we will focus on a company who does raw materials deliveries. Due to the fact that this company only does deliveries and therefore their benefits are provided by this activity, an efficient planification is important.
During this project, the data will be extracted from a real company and mathematical models will be developed and applied to a program that will assign the routes. All of that being said, the main focus of this project is to show how these mathematical models can optimize the planification process. The SMEs don't have the resources that the big companies have. It is common that SMEs use less efficient methods, and they are not aware of the savings they can achieve using the mathematical models that will be shown in this project.