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Safety evaluation of the food enzyme triacylglycerol lipase from the genetically modified Aspergillus luchuensis strain FL100SC

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Safety evaluation of the food enzyme triacylglycerol lipase from the genetically modified Aspergillus luchuensis strain FL100SC

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Lambré, C.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Bolognesi, C.; Cocconcelli, PS.; Crebelli, R.; Gott, DM.; Grob, K.... (2021). Safety evaluation of the food enzyme triacylglycerol lipase from the genetically modified Aspergillus luchuensis strain FL100SC. EFSA Journal. 19(4):1-13. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6561

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Title: Safety evaluation of the food enzyme triacylglycerol lipase from the genetically modified Aspergillus luchuensis strain FL100SC
Author: Lambré, Claude Barat Baviera, José Manuel Bolognesi, Claudia Cocconcelli, Pier Sandro Crebelli, Riccardo Gott, David Michael Grob, Konrad Lampi, Evgenia Mengelers, Marcel Mortensen, Alicja Rivière, Gilles Steffensen, Inger-Lise Tlustos, Christina Van Loveren, Henk Vernis, Laurence
UPV Unit: Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Tecnología de Alimentos - Departament de Tecnologia d'Aliments
Issued date:
[EN] The food enzyme triacylglycerol lipase (triacylglycerol acylhydrolase EC is produced with a genetically modified Aspergillus luchuensis strain FL100SC by Advanced Enzyme Technologies Ltd. The genetic modifications ...[+]
Subjects: Food enzyme , Triacylglycerol lipase , Triacylglycerol acylhydrolase , EC , Glycerol ester hydrolase , Aspergillus luchuensis , Genetically modified microorganism
Copyrigths: Reconocimiento - Sin obra derivada (by-nd)
EFSA Journal. (eissn: 1831-4732 )
DOI: 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6561
Publisher version: https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6561
Type: Artículo



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