[EN] Ovule development is a key process for plant reproduction, helping to ensure correct seed production. Several molecular factors and plant hormones such as gibberellins are involved in ovule initiation and development. ...[+]
[EN] Ovule development is a key process for plant reproduction, helping to ensure correct seed production. Several molecular factors and plant hormones such as gibberellins are involved in ovule initiation and development. Gibberellins control ovule development by the destabilization of DELLA proteins, whereas DELLA activity has been shown to act as a positive factor for ovule primordia emergence. But the molecular mechanism by which DELLA acts in ovule primordia initiation remained unknown. In this study we report that DELLA proteins participate in ovule initiation by the formation of a protein complex with the CUC2 transcription factor. The DELLA protein GAI requires CUC2 to promote ovule primordia formation, through the direct GAI-CUC2 interaction in placental cells that would determine the boundary regions between ovules during pistil development. Analysis of GAI-CUC2 interaction and co-localization in the placenta supports this hypothesis. Moreover, molecular analysis identified a subset of the loci for which the GAI protein may act as a transcriptional co-regulator in a CUC2-dependent manner. The DELLA-CUC2 complex is a component of the gene regulatory network controlling ovule primordia initiation in Arabidopsis.
We wish to thank Dr. N. Arnaud (INRAE-Versailles, France) for the pCUC1:CUC1-GFP and pCUC2:CUC2-VENUS lines, Dr. D. Alabadi (IBMCP, Valencia, Spain) for the 35S:YFP-M5GAI line and GAI deletions in pDEST32, and Dr. S. Prat ...[+]
We wish to thank Dr. N. Arnaud (INRAE-Versailles, France) for the pCUC1:CUC1-GFP and pCUC2:CUC2-VENUS lines, Dr. D. Alabadi (IBMCP, Valencia, Spain) for the 35S:YFP-M5GAI line and GAI deletions in pDEST32, and Dr. S. Prat (CNB-Madrid, Spain) for the M5-DELLA clones in pGBKT7. We also thank Ms. C. Fuster for her excellent technical assistance and the IBMCP Bioinformatics Core Service for helping in the data processing. This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-FEDER (BIO2017-83138R) and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation-AEI (PID2020-113920RB-I00) to MAP-A; DB-T was the recipient of a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU18/00331).