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A New Construction Approach for Tiny House on Wheels: POD THOWs

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A New Construction Approach for Tiny House on Wheels: POD THOWs

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Yavru, TE.; Topaloğlu, G.; Baş, GY.; Yılmaz, S. (2023). A New Construction Approach for Tiny House on Wheels: POD THOWs. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 8(1):20-33. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2023.19350

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Título: A New Construction Approach for Tiny House on Wheels: POD THOWs
Autor: Yavru, Tayfur Emre Topaloğlu, Gürkan Baş, Güray Yusuf Yılmaz, Semih
Fecha difusión:
[EN] Although the size of the houses has increased in recent years, the number of house users is decreasing. The decrease in the number of users has brought forth the concept of tiny houses which use less materials, less ...[+]
Palabras clave: Tiny house on wheel , Tiny House , Tiny house barriers , POD THOWs
Derechos de uso: Reconocimiento - No comercial (by-nc)
VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. (eissn: 2444-9091 )
DOI: 10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2023.19350
Universitat Politècnica de València
Versión del editor: https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2023.19350
Tipo: Artículo


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