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Compilation of works in which are made the design of a solid soap for the generation of an immersive experience in the bathroom environment, the redesign of a tent with the aim of reducing its environmental impact, and the design of a record player that generates memorable moments between parents and children

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Compilation of works in which are made the design of a solid soap for the generation of an immersive experience in the bathroom environment, the redesign of a tent with the aim of reducing its environmental impact, and the design of a record player that generates memorable moments between parents and children

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Rodríguez Holgado, C. (2023). Compilation of works in which are made the design of a solid soap for the generation of an immersive experience in the bathroom environment, the redesign of a tent with the aim of reducing its environmental impact, and the design of a record player that generates memorable moments between parents and children. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/196544

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Title: Compilation of works in which are made the design of a solid soap for the generation of an immersive experience in the bathroom environment, the redesign of a tent with the aim of reducing its environmental impact, and the design of a record player that generates memorable moments between parents and children
Secondary Title: Compilación de trabajos en los que se realiza el diseño de un jabón sólido para la generación de una experiencia inmersiva en el entorno del baño, el rediseño de una tienda de campaña con objetivo de reducir su impacto medioambiental, y el diseño de un tocadiscos generador de momentos memorables entre padres e hijos
Compilació de treballs en els quals es realitza el disseny d'un sabó sòlid per a la generació d'una experiència immersiva a l'entorn del bany, el redissenye d'una tenda de campanya amb objectiu de reduir el seu impacte mediambiental, i el disseny d'un tocadiscs generador de moments memorables entre pares i fills
Author: Rodríguez Holgado, Carmela
Director(s): Agustín Fonfría, Miguel Ángel Lamerton, Christopher Andrew
UPV Unit: Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Ingeniería Gráfica - Departament d'Enginyeria Gràfica
Universitat Politècnica de València. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño - Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria del Disseny
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[ES] El primer proyecto se trata del diseño de un jabón sólido para niños que mejora e incentiva el momento de irse a la ducha y que se caracteriza por estar hecho principalmente por plástico. El segundo proyecto abarca ...[+]

[EN] The first project involves the design of a solid soap for children that improves and encourages showering and is characterized by being made mainly of plastic. The second project involves the research and redesign ...[+]
Subjects: Jabón , Baño , Niños , Pintura , Plástico , Tienda de campaña , Sostenibilidad , Materiales , Tocadiscos , Teatro , Soap , Bath , Children , Paint , Plastic , Tent , Sustainability , Materials , Record player , Theater , Family
Copyrigths: Cerrado
Universitat Politècnica de València
degree: Máster Universitario en Ingeniería del Diseño-Màster Universitari en Enginyeria del Disseny
Type: Tesis de máster



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