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The two-way relationship between food systems and the COVID19 pandemic: causes and consequences

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The two-way relationship between food systems and the COVID19 pandemic: causes and consequences

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Rivera-Ferre, MG.; Lopez-I-Gelats, F.; Ravera, F.; Oteros-Rozas, E.; Di Masso, M.; Binimelis, R.; El Bilali, H. (2021). The two-way relationship between food systems and the COVID19 pandemic: causes and consequences. Agricultural Systems. 191. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103134

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Título: The two-way relationship between food systems and the COVID19 pandemic: causes and consequences
Autor: Rivera-Ferre, Marta Guadalupe Lopez-i-Gelats, Feliu Ravera, Federica Oteros-Rozas, Elisa Di Masso, Marina Binimelis, Rosa El Bilali, Hamid
Fecha difusión:
[EN] CONTEXT: The COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the most pressing challenges for humanity. The pandemic is affecting all aspects of human lives and livelihoods, including food. In this context, new research shows the ...[+]
Palabras clave: Zoonosis , Social-ecological resilience , Industrial farming , Food security , Food systems , Emerging infectious diseases , Agroecology , Short food supply chains
Derechos de uso: Reconocimiento (by)
Agricultural Systems. (issn: 0308-521X )
DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103134
Versión del editor: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103134
Código del Proyecto:
Elisa OterosRozas was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (IJCI201734334) . Marina di Masso was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (IJCI-2016-30769) ...[+]
Tipo: Artículo



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