Bojorges, H.; Fabra, MJ.; López-Rubio, A.; Martínez-Abad, A. (2022). Alginate industrial waste streams as a promising source of value-added compounds valorization. Science of The Total Environment. 838:1-11.
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Title: | Alginate industrial waste streams as a promising source of value-added compounds valorization | |
Author: | Bojorges, Hylenne Fabra, Maria José López-Rubio, Amparo Martínez-Abad, Antonio | |
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Abstract: |
[EN] The alginate industry processes more than hundred thousand tons per year of algae in Europe, discarding around 80% of the algae biomass as different solid/liquid residual streams. In this work, Saccharina latissima ...[+]
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Copyrigths: | Reconocimiento - No comercial (by-nc) | |
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This work acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Research agency (Ministry of Science and Innovation) through projects RTI-2018-094268-B-C22 and PID2020-117744RJ-I00. H. Bojorges acknowledges fi-nancial support ...[+]
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