Sereti, Fotini(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-04-02)
[EN] In this paper new notions of dimensions for ideal topological spaces are inserted, called *-quasi covering dimension and ideal quasicovering dimension. We study several of their properties and investigate their relations ...
Ozturk, Vildan; Radenovic, Stojan(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-04-02)
[EN] In this work, we will define a new type metric with degree m and m+1 points which is called m-hemi metric as a generalization of two metric spaces. We will give and prove some topological properties. Also, Banach ...
Khantwal, Deepak; Pant, Rajendra(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-04-02)
[EN] This paper presents some existence and uniqueness results for a solution of a system of equations. Our results extend and generalize the well-known and celebrated results of Boyd and Wong [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 20 ...
[EN] We show that for a partial action η with closed domain of a compact group G on a profinite space X the space of orbits X/~G is profinite, this leads to the fact that when G is profinite the enveloping space XG is also ...
[EN] Given a partial action of a topological group G on a topological space X we determine properties P which can be extended from X to its globalization. We treat the cases when P is any of the following: Hausdorff, ...