[EN] Water deficit represents a serious limitation for agriculture and both genetic and chemical approaches are being used to cope with this stress and maintain plant yield. Next-generation agrochemicals that control ...[+]
[EN] Water deficit represents a serious limitation for agriculture and both genetic and chemical approaches are being used to cope with this stress and maintain plant yield. Next-generation agrochemicals that control stomatal aperture are promising for controlling water use efficiency. For example, chemical control of abscisic acid (ABA) signaling through ABA-receptor agonists is a powerful method to activate plant adaptation to water deficit. Such agonists are molecules able to bind and activate ABA receptors and, although their development has experienced significant advances in the last decade, few translational studies have been performed in crops. Here, we describe protection by the ABA mimic-fluorine derivative 4 (AMF4) agonist of the vegetative growth in tomato plants subjected to water restriction. Photosynthesis in mock-treated plants is markedly impaired under water deficit conditions, whereas AMF4 treatment notably improves CO2 assimilation, the relative plant water content and growth. As expected for an antitranspirant molecule, AMF4 treatment diminishes stomatal conductance and transpiration in the first phase of the experiment; however, when photosynthesis declines in mock-treated plants as stress persists, higher photosynthetic and transpiration parameters are recorded in agonist-treated plants. Additionally, AMF4 increases proline levels over those achieved in mock-treated plants in response to water deficit. Thus water deficit and AMF4 cooperate to upregulate P5CS1 through both ABA-independent and ABA-dependent pathways, and therefore, higher proline levels are produced Finally, analysis of macronutrients reveals higher levels of Ca, K and Mg in AMF4- compared to mock-treated plants subjected to water deficit. Overall, these physiological analyses reveal a protective effect of AMF4 over photosynthesis under water deficit and enhanced water use efficiency after agonist treatment. In summary, AMF4 treatment is a promising approach for farmers to protect the vegetative growth of tomatoes under water deficit stress.
Work in PR laboratory was supported by Grant TED2021-129867B-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the "European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR". Work in AB laboratory was supported by Grant TED2021-129867B-C22 ...[+]
Work in PR laboratory was supported by Grant TED2021-129867B-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the "European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR". Work in AB laboratory was supported by Grant TED2021-129867B-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the "European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR". Work in JE laboratory was funded by Xunta de Galicia (CONSOLIDACION 2022 GRC GI-1608 - Nanomateriais e Moleculas Bioactivas - NANOBIOMOL), Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de investigacion de Galicia accreditation 2019-2022, ED431G 2019/03) and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund - ERDF). JL-J is funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the ERDF with grant number RYC2020-029097-I.