[EN] The application of HBIM for the information management of historical buildings is often hindered by the presence of uncertainty due to limited geometric information and documentation at the time of modelling; controlling ...[+]
[EN] The application of HBIM for the information management of historical buildings is often hindered by the presence of uncertainty due to limited geometric information and documentation at the time of modelling; controlling and organising this level of uncertainty, in view of future developments, becomes paramount. This paper presents an HBIM workflow to tackle uncertainty by capitalising on parametric modelling and 4D modelling. Parametric modelling is used as a dynamic tool that allows for an easy and quick update of the model when new data become available, while 4D modelling is used for disassembling the building backwards, establishing temporal relationships among building elements and organising them in successive phases, when uncertainty concerns the historical development of building elements and architectural interventions. The workflow was applied to a building of industrial archaeology in southern Italy, the De Simone factory, which is abandoned and in a poor state of conservation, but represents a valuable historical testimony due to its rich stratification resulting from significant physical and functional transformations over time. This application shows that structuring the data implementation process to accommodate the available information and its future integration, through the use of parametric and 4D modelling, can be very efficient to support documentation, conservation and enhancement activities on built heritage.
The workflow was applied to a building of industrial archaeology in southern Italy, the De Simone factory, which is abandoned and in a poor state of conservation, but represents a valuable historical testimony due to its rich stratification resulting from significant physical and functional transformations over time. This application shows that structuring the data implementation process to accommodate the available information and its future integration, through the use of parametric and 4D modelling, can be very efficient to support documentation, conservation and enhancement activities on built heritage.
The application of the workflow to the ex-Corradini complex is part the project “PRO-SIT - PROgettare in SostenibilITà qualificazione e digitalizzazione in edilizia”, project code B63D18000290007, cofinanced the POR CAMPANIA ...[+]
The application of the workflow to the ex-Corradini complex is part the project “PRO-SIT - PROgettare in SostenibilITà qualificazione e digitalizzazione in edilizia”, project code B63D18000290007, cofinanced the POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014/2020, Decree no. 370 of October 24th, 2018, of the Regional Government of Campania Region.