Sendra Lleó, PA. (2012). Comparison between two kinds of drinking nipples in furnished cages for laying hens.
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Title: | Comparison between two kinds of drinking nipples in furnished cages for laying hens | |||
Author: | Sendra Lleó, Pablo Antonio | |||
Director(s): | Kosch, Ralf | |||
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Abstract: |
[ES] En este estudio se realizó una comparacióon entre un bebedero estandar y un nuevo protitpo. El nuevo prototipo se diseñó con un anillo de protección alrededor de la tetina y una bandeja de recogida más pequeña. Se ...[+]
[EN] In this study a comparison between a standard drinking nipple and a new prototype was made. The new prototype was designed with a protection ring around the nipple and an smaller cup. The water consumption for both ...[+]
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Copyrigths: | Cerrado | |||
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