Domenech Carbo, MT.; Bitossi, G.; De La Cruz Cañizares, J.; Bolivar Galiano, F.; López Miras, MDM.; Romero Noguera, J.; Martin Sanchez, I.... (2008). Study on the biodeterioration of alkyd ah resin used as a binding medium for modern paintings by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and ftir spectroscopy. Arché. (3):191-196.
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Title: | Study on the biodeterioration of alkyd ah resin used as a binding medium for modern paintings by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and ftir spectroscopy | |
Secondary Title: |
Author: | Bitossi, Giovanna De la Cruz Cañizares, Juana Bolivar Galiano, Fernando López Miras, Mª del Mar Romero Noguera, Julio Martin Sanchez, Ines Gimeno Adelantado, Jose Vicente Domenech Carbo, Antonio | |
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Abstract: |
Evaluation of the alteration produced by microbiological attack on alkyd resins has been carried out by FTIR spectroscopy and Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). The latter included the online ...[+]
Se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación mediante espectroscopía FTIR y pirólisis-cromatografía de gasesespectrometría de masas (Py-GC-MS) de las alteraciones causadas en resinas alquídicas comericales por microorganismos. Este ...[+]
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Copyrigths: | Reserva de todos los derechos | |
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