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Exploring reuse of industrial wastewater from exhaust dyebaths by solar-based photo-Fenton treatment

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Exploring reuse of industrial wastewater from exhaust dyebaths by solar-based photo-Fenton treatment

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Sanz Carbonell, JF.; Monllor Pérez, P.; Vicente Candela, R.; Amat Payá, AM.; Arques Sanz, A.; Bonet Aracil, MA. (2013). Exploring reuse of industrial wastewater from exhaust dyebaths by solar-based photo-Fenton treatment. Textile Research Journal. 83(13):1325-1332. doi:10.1177/0040517512467061

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Title: Exploring reuse of industrial wastewater from exhaust dyebaths by solar-based photo-Fenton treatment
Author: Sanz Carbonell, Julio Francisco Monllor Pérez, Pablo Vicente Candela, Rafael Amat Payá, Ana María Arques Sanz, Antonio Bonet Aracil, María Angeles
UPV Unit: Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Ingeniería Textil y Papelera - Departament d'Enginyeria Tèxtil i Paperera
Issued date:
The aim of the research under discussion in the present paper is to study the decolorization and mineralization of textile industrial wastewaters from exhaust dyebaths by means of a solar photo-Fenton treatment. The exhaust ...[+]
Subjects: Dye , Exhaust dyebath , Decolorization , Mineralization , Photo-Fenton , Sunlight , Reuse
Copyrigths: Reserva de todos los derechos
Textile Research Journal. (issn: 0040-5175 )
DOI: 10.1177/0040517512467061
SAGE Publications (UK and US)
Publisher version: http://trj.sagepub.com/content/83/13/1327
Type: Artículo



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