Mobile devices and sensors can be used in context-aware (CA) systems by
gathering information from the sensors and the user's actions the system provides
certain feedback. In this project we study the well-being domain ...[+]
Mobile devices and sensors can be used in context-aware (CA) systems by
gathering information from the sensors and the user's actions the system provides
certain feedback. In this project we study the well-being domain defined
in a context-aware system using Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD). When the
user performs an activity the system collects information from mobile sensors
and external agents, and with this information a feedback is provided to the
user aiming to improve his well-being.
Analysing the application Activity Coach helped identifying a transformation
gap from the general well-being model to the application model. The
solution proposed to prune the general model diagram following a bottom-up,
a top-down or a combination of both approaches. For transforming the CLD
application model we would use UML, but, how could the transformations
be done? How much information does the application model need for correct
developing? Would it be possible to produce a general model?.
To answer the questions, this work proposed generating three different models,
context structure, UML class and UML activity diagram, to represent
context, implementation and behavior. After the study on previous works it
was considered whether an existent CA framework could gave a better solution.
If ConText Toolkit was used, the model obtained would be too strict
for the development phase and its composition would mean a shorter battery
life in the mobile devices.
The evaluation of the solution approach showed that a choice should be
made. Either using strict models, or open models for the transformations.
For the developers, open models would require large assumptions and less
information in the UML models, while strict models fewer assumptions and
more information.