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A system dynamics model for the supply chain procurement transport problem: comparing spreadsheets, fuzzy programming and simulation approaches

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A system dynamics model for the supply chain procurement transport problem: comparing spreadsheets, fuzzy programming and simulation approaches

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Mula, J.; Campuzano Bolarín, F.; Díaz-Madroñero Boluda, FM.; Carpio, KM. (2013). A system dynamics model for the supply chain procurement transport problem: comparing spreadsheets, fuzzy programming and simulation approaches. International Journal of Production Research. 51(13):4087-4104. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2013.774487

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Title: A system dynamics model for the supply chain procurement transport problem: comparing spreadsheets, fuzzy programming and simulation approaches
Author: Mula, Josefa Campuzano Bolarín, Francisco Díaz-Madroñero Boluda, Francisco Manuel Carpio, Katerine M.
UPV Unit: Universitat Politècnica de València. Centro de Investigación de Gestión e Ingeniería de la Producción - Centre d'Investigació de Gestió i Enginyeria de la Producció
Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Organización de Empresas - Departament d'Organització d'Empreses
Issued date:
This article proposes a simulation approach based on system dynamics for operational procurement and transport planning in a two-level, multi-product and multi-period supply chain. This work uses the Vensim((R)) simulation ...[+]
Subjects: Simulation , System dynamics , Supply chain dynamics , Procurement , Transport , Operations planning
Copyrigths: Cerrado
International Journal of Production Research. (issn: 0020-7543 ) (eissn: 1366-588X )
DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2013.774487
Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles
Publisher version: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2013.774487
Project ID:
This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology project: Production technology based on the feedback from production, transport and unload planning and the redesign of warehouses decisions in ...[+]
Type: Artículo


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