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Application of genomic tools in plant breeding

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Application of genomic tools in plant breeding

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dc.contributor.author Pérez de Castro, Ana María es_ES
dc.contributor.author Vilanova Navarro, Santiago es_ES
dc.contributor.author Cañizares Sales, Joaquín es_ES
dc.contributor.author Pascual Bañuls, Laura es_ES
dc.contributor.author Blanca Postigo, José Miguel es_ES
dc.contributor.author Díez Niclós, Mª José Teresa de Jesús es_ES
dc.contributor.author Prohens Tomás, Jaime es_ES
dc.contributor.author Picó Sirvent, María Belén es_ES
dc.date.accessioned 2016-04-27T07:11:59Z
dc.date.available 2016-04-27T07:11:59Z
dc.date.issued 2012-05
dc.identifier.issn 1389-2029
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10251/63024
dc.description.abstract [EN] Plant breeding has been very successful in developing improved varieties using conventional tools and methodologies. Nowadays, the availability of genomic tools and resources is leading to a new revolution of plant breeding, as they facilitate the study of the genotype and its relationship with the phenotype, in particular for complex traits. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies are allowing the mass sequencing of genomes and transcriptomes, which is producing a vast array of genomic information. The analysis of NGS data by means of bioinformatics developments allows discovering new genes and regulatory sequences and their positions, and makes available large collections of molecular markers. Genome-wide expression studies provide breeders with an understanding of the molecular basis of complex traits. Genomic approaches include TILLING and EcoTILLING, which make possible to screen mutant and germplasm collections for allelic variants in target genes. Re-sequencing of genomes is very useful for the genome-wide discovery of markers amenable for high-throughput genotyping platforms, like SSRs and SNPs, or the construction of high density genetic maps. All these tools and resources facilitate studying the genetic diversity, which is important for germplasm management, enhancement and use. Also, they allow the identification of markers linked to genes and QTLs, using a diversity of techniques like bulked segregant analysis (BSA), fine genetic mapping, or association mapping. These new markers are used for marker assisted selection, including marker assisted backcross selection, 'breeding by design', or new strategies, like genomic selection. In conclusion, advances in genomics are providing breeders with new tools and methodologies that allow a great leap forward in plant breeding, including the 'superdomestication' of crops and the genetic dissection and breeding for complex traits. © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers. es_ES
dc.description.sponsorship This contribution has been partially funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (AGL2008-05114, AGL2009-07257, and PIM2010PKB-00691), and Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Agroalimentaria (RTA2008-00035-C02-02 and RTA2011-00044-C02-2) and FEDER funds (EU).
dc.language Inglés es_ES
dc.publisher Bentham Science Publishers es_ES
dc.relation.ispartof Current Genomics es_ES
dc.rights Reserva de todos los derechos es_ES
dc.subject Bioinformatics es_ES
dc.subject Complex traits es_ES
dc.subject Genetic maps es_ES
dc.subject Marker assisted selection es_ES
dc.subject Molecular markers es_ES
dc.subject Next-generation sequencing es_ES
dc.subject Quantitative trait loci es_ES
dc.subject Transcriptome es_ES
dc.subject Allele es_ES
dc.subject Arabidopsis es_ES
dc.subject Article es_ES
dc.subject Gene expression es_ES
dc.subject Gene mapping es_ES
dc.subject Gene sequence es_ES
dc.subject Genetic analysis es_ES
dc.subject Genetic association es_ES
dc.subject Genetic variability es_ES
dc.subject Genome es_ES
dc.subject Genomics es_ES
dc.subject Genotype es_ES
dc.subject Germplasm es_ES
dc.subject High throughput sequencing es_ES
dc.subject Human es_ES
dc.subject Methodology es_ES
dc.subject Microarray analysis es_ES
dc.subject Nonhuman es_ES
dc.subject Phenotype es_ES
dc.subject Plant breeding es_ES
dc.subject.classification GENETICA es_ES
dc.title Application of genomic tools in plant breeding es_ES
dc.type Artículo es_ES
dc.identifier.doi 10.2174/138920212800543084
dc.relation.projectID info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MICINN//RTA2011-00044-C02-02/ES/Desarrollo competitivo de nuevos cultivares de calabacín y ampliación de la plataforma genómica para la mejora de esta hortaliza/ es_ES
dc.relation.projectID info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MICINN//AGL2009-07257/ES/MEJORA GENETICA DE LA CALIDAD NUTRECEUTICA DE LA BERENJENA/ es_ES
dc.relation.projectID info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MICINN//PIM2010PKB-00691/ES/SUGARS AND FRUIT QUALITY IN MELON/
dc.relation.projectID info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MICINN//RTA2008-00035-C02-02/ES/Mejora competitiva del calabacín por características de calidad de fruto y resistencia a enfermedades: Desarrollo de RILs, marcadores codominantes SSR, CAPS y SNP y construcción de un mapa genético/
dc.rights.accessRights Abierto es_ES
dc.contributor.affiliation Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Biotecnología - Departament de Biotecnologia es_ES
dc.description.bibliographicCitation Pérez De Castro, AM.; Vilanova Navarro, S.; Cañizares Sales, J.; Pascual Bañuls, L.; Blanca Postigo, JM.; Díez Niclós, MJTDJ.; Prohens Tomás, J.... (2012). Application of genomic tools in plant breeding. Current Genomics. 13(3):179-195. https://doi.org/10.2174/138920212800543084 es_ES
dc.description.accrualMethod S es_ES
dc.relation.publisherversion http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/138920212800543084 es_ES
dc.description.upvformatpinicio 179 es_ES
dc.description.upvformatpfin 195 es_ES
dc.type.version info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion es_ES
dc.description.volume 13 es_ES
dc.description.issue 3 es_ES
dc.relation.senia 230379 es_ES
dc.identifier.pmid 23115520 es_ES
dc.identifier.pmcid PMC3382273
dc.contributor.funder Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación es_ES

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