Conde Castellanos, PE.; González Martínez, AJ.; Gonzalez, A.; Hernández Hernández, L.; Bellido, P.; Crespo Navarro, E.; Iborra Carreres, A.... (2015). Analysis of the Statistical Moments of the Scintillation Light Distribution With dSiPMs. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 62(5):1981-1988.
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Analysis of the Statistical Moments of the Scintillation Light Distribution With dSiPMs
Conde Castellanos, Pablo Eloy
González Martínez, Antonio Javier
Gonzalez, A.
Hernández Hernández, Liczandro
Bellido, P.
Crespo Navarro, Efren
Iborra Carreres, Amadeo
Moliner Martínez, Laura
Rigla Pérez, Juan Pablo
Rodríguez Álvarez, María José
Sanchez, F.
Seimetz, Michael
Soriano Asensi, Antonio
Vidal San Sebastián, Luis Fernando
Benlloch Baviera, Jose María
Entidad UPV:
Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular - Institut d'Instrumentació per a Imatge Molecular
Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada - Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada
Fecha difusión:
In gamma-ray detectors, monolithic scintillation crystals offer the possibility of preserving the scintillation light distribution especially when painted black. The statistical moments of this distribution provide accurate ...[+]
In gamma-ray detectors, monolithic scintillation crystals offer the possibility of preserving the scintillation light distribution especially when painted black. The statistical moments of this distribution provide accurate information on the three photon impact coordinates, including their depth of interaction (DOI). Digital SiPMs (dSiPMs) return digital information based on pixels about the collected light distribution, since the signal is a digital sum of the trigger bins. In this work we present, for the first time, an accurate analysis of the statistical moments of the light distribution using monolithic painted black crystals and state-of-the-art dSiPMs. Two 32.6 x 32.6 mm(2) monolithic LYSO crystals covering the entire photodetectors area have been used in coincidence with 10 mm in thickness. The photosensor tiles were kept at a stable temperature of T = 20 degrees C. Energy resolution of about 18% was reached in relation to the zeroth moment. The first moment, related to the impact position, determined a spatial resolution of about 3 mm near the crystal center, but quadratically degrading towards the crystal borders. The DOI resolution, measured by means of the second moment, was found to be nearing 4 mm in the crystal center region. The third order moment, the so-called skewness, is related to the degree of truncation and once calibrated minimizes the compression effects. A corrected spatial resolution of about 3 mm was then measured for the entire crystal surface. DOI resolution improved at the crystal's center, reaching 3.5 mm, but a degradation towards the borders remained due to truncation of the scintillation light distribution.
Palabras clave:
Gamma-ray detectors
Solid scintillation detectors
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IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. (issn:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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“©2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”
This work was supported in part by the Spanish Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica (I+D+I) under Grant FIS2010-21216-CO2-01 and in part by the Valencian Local Government under ...[+]
This work was supported in part by the Spanish Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica (I+D+I) under Grant FIS2010-21216-CO2-01 and in part by the Valencian Local Government under Grants PROMETEOII/2013/010 and ISIC 2011/013.