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Comparison of two techniques for the morphometry study on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) spermatozoa and evaluation of changes induced by cryopreservation

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Comparison of two techniques for the morphometry study on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) spermatozoa and evaluation of changes induced by cryopreservation

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Gallego Albiach, V.; Peñaranda, D.; Marco Jiménez, F.; Mazzeo, I.; Pérez Igualada, LM.; Asturiano Nemesio, JF. (2012). Comparison of two techniques for the morphometry study on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) spermatozoa and evaluation of changes induced by cryopreservation. Theriogenology. 77(6):1078-1087. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.theriogenology.2011.10.010

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Title: Comparison of two techniques for the morphometry study on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) spermatozoa and evaluation of changes induced by cryopreservation
Author: Gallego Albiach, Victor Peñaranda, D.S. Marco Jiménez, Francisco Mazzeo, Ilaria Pérez Igualada, Luz María Asturiano Nemesio, Juan Francisco
UPV Unit: Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología Animal - Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Animal
Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Ciencia Animal - Departament de Ciència Animal
Issued date:
[EN] The development of powerful software has made possible spermatozoa morphology studies. However, some problems have emerged in relation to protocol standardization to compare results from different laboratories. This ...[+]
Subjects: Spermatozoa , Morphometry , Cryopreservation , Sparus aurata , Asma , CASA
Copyrigths: Reserva de todos los derechos
Theriogenology. (issn: 0093-691X )
DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2011.10.010
Publisher version: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.theriogenology.2011.10.010
Project ID:
This work was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN; AGL2007-64040-C03-00, Project SELECTBREAM). V. Gallego and I. Mazzeo were supported by predoctoral scholarships financed by the Spanish ...[+]
Type: Artículo



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