[EN] Abstract
Education is the foundation of all developed or developing, also including developing
countries in order to improve educational quality now greater financial resources allocated to this
sector. ...[+]
[EN] Abstract
Education is the foundation of all developed or developing, also including developing
countries in order to improve educational quality now greater financial resources allocated to this
sector. It is so important that in Spain the Constitution provides for
the right to education as one
of the most fundament
al, specifically in art. 27.1. I
nternational assessments such as PISA (Program
for International Student Assessment), PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study),
TIMSS (Trends in Internation
al Mathematics and Science Study), are
made with the
intent to identify and meet the academic state in which are students of different countries, whose
results contribute to establishing appropriate educational policies and reduce educational ineq
in the student population.
This work is based on the General diagnostic evaluation conducted in 2009, where a 28708
Spanish students from 887 schools were evaluated, whose main objective is to assess the impact
factors of personal, family environmen
t and school in the abilities of students of 4th grade of
primary education in language and math skills communication.
To do this, first, similar studies are reviewed in national and international context, also a
detailed and thorough scientific production
related to the analysis developed in this work. With the
revised and respecting the hierarchical structure present data literature, a multilevel regression
analysis was performed to determine whether these factors influence student achievement,
e results achieved to identify. W
ithin the personal and family environment of 11
variables studied age has no influence with respect to the other all turn out to be statistically
significant in the ratio of increase or decrease in score for both
ions in the same way. It
also possible to detect that the 3 variables studied for the school environment turn out to
statistically significant. It
is also noted that the main cause of repetition is the age at which students
start school or daycare, a
nd so that parents want their children to finish a college degree a
determining factor is not to be repeated and have a relatively high rate of social,
economic and
cultural status. F
inally also it identifies students in private schools have better perform
ance against
the public center. On the other hand, the analysis of random effect, it is identified that the average
score is not equal in all centers for both competitions.
In conclusion, the analysis with multilevel techniques allows us to obtain in this
results that contribute to make decisions to improve from the level of responsibility of the
educational actors who must develop immediate actions and strategies aimed at improving the
quality of learning of Country students
[ES] La enseñanza en los colegios ha cambiado notablemente debido al desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información, la diversidad del alumnado o los nuevos modos de enseñanza aprendizaje, al tiempo que las entidades ...[+]
[ES] La enseñanza en los colegios ha cambiado notablemente debido al desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información, la diversidad del alumnado o los nuevos modos de enseñanza aprendizaje, al tiempo que las entidades gubernamentales realizan grandes inversiones encaminadas a la mejora de la educación. Por ello, resulta esencial conocer qué factores del entorno familiar y académico del alumno favorecen el éxito académico. Entre los posibles indicadores definidos para medir este resultado, las puntuaciones en competencias específicas constituyen una medida generalizada de rendimiento académico. Este trabajo plantea un análisis de dichas competencias, en base a la estructura jerárquica de alumnos matriculados en distintos colegios de España. Para ello, se trabajará con los datos de la Evaluación General de Diagnóstico, recopilados en 2009 por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, a nivel nacional. Esta base de datos consta de más de 28.000 registros de niños que estudiaban cuarto de Educación Primaria y fueron evaluados en competencias mediante una prueba común. Como resultado de este trabajo se espera identificar qué condiciones del entorno de los niños favorece la adquisición de competencias en matemáticas y lingüística.