Cárcel Carrasco, FJ.; Grau Carrión, J. (2015). Supervisión energética para monitorización y control de consumo eléctrico. Un caso práctico. 3C Tecnología. 4(1):19-31. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/77706
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Title: | Supervisión energética para monitorización y control de consumo eléctrico. Un caso práctico | |
Secondary Title: |
Author: | Grau Carrión, José | |
UPV Unit: |
Issued date: |
Abstract: |
[EN] The control and efficient energy expenditure, is one of fundamental ratios that must monitor large companies that use electrical energy intensively as part of its production process. One of the first phases is the ...[+]
[ES] The control and efficient energy expenditure, is one of fundamental ratios that must monitor large companies that use electrical energy intensively as part of its production process. One of the first phases is the ...[+]
Subjects: |
Copyrigths: | Reserva de todos los derechos | |
Source: |
Publisher: |
Publisher version: | http://www.3ciencias.com/revistas/categoria/tecnologia/ | |
Type: |